So you’ve started a network marketing business and are trying to figure out what to do next. Here are 10 Tips For Success in Network Marketing whether you work your home based business part time or full time.

1. Develop a better business plan. If you keep doing what you are doing, you’ll end up with the same results.

2. Promote your business consistently. Work at finding people who are trying to find you.

3. Create action plans for your key distributors. If they have passion and are willing to work help them create success early on.

4. Be passionate about what you do. Work at maximum fire! Don’t recruit for a day and then try it again in a week. Create heat in your words, fire in your eyes and a flame in your presence everyday.

5. Survey your customers. Maybe the way you’re doing business is costing you relationships. The first word in Network Marketing is NETWORK. Make sure you are building a Network of loyal customers.

6. Set up goal boards and performance charts among your key down line builders. Encourage them to accept personal responsibility and chart their progress for everyone to see.

7. Stay connected with your customers. Know who they are, stay in touch with them and get referrals from them as often as possible.

8. Discipline yourself. Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you like it or not. Self-discipline is a key to success.

9. Be willing to learn. You don’t need a MBA or PhD to succeed in a Network Marketing Business. Nonetheless, these people reached their full potentials and achieved financial and personal goals because they were willing to learn. You should be too.

10. Think SUCCESS! You should actively visualize success in your mind until you can almost feel it, touch it and taste it. Then play the image over and over again in your mind.

Success is the ongoing process of striving to become more. It is an opportunity to continually grow emotionally, socially, spiritually, physiologically, intellectually and financially while contributing in some positive way to others. Here’s to your success!

Author's Bio: 

Sheri Sharman has been building a high-producing international sales team in the world of network marketing since 1987. She has been a top income earner (making between 6 and 7 figures yearly) in every company she has participated in. She has broken numerous sales records for both personal and team production. She currently markets “Via”, a strong anti-oxidant, anti-aging, Whole Food Juice Puree created by ViaViente, a company that has received national press exposure on CNN, MSN, CNBC, Fox News, Lifetime, TLC, Discovery and other channels. Learn more about Sheri at