As discussed in the previous article, Reality, Essences & Absences, the essences are the ‘constants’ of spirit that have an independent reality. They make up the archetypal energies—with an intelligence or consciousness, and a unique vibration— out of which all is born. We mistakenly give their ‘absences’ an independent reality and as such, we view those absences as powers in and of themselves; but this represents error in thinking, and is precisely what leads us into duality consciousness, which begets the world of illusion.

When we believe the ‘absences’ to be real things to be reckoned with, we react to them and create scenarios in which they are given reality. And it is in giving reality to something non-existent that we perpetuate illusion, for we then act on the non-existent things we’ve fabricated in an attempt to change them. All attempts, of course, are futile.

For example, if you are aggressively competed with in the work place, you may react with fear (feeling threatened), resentment at the aggressor, helplessness and victimization or you might fight back with your own competitive aggression. All reaction lends reality to the illusion that you can be threatened and that your opportunities can be taken away from you. On the other hand, with eyes only for the essences of spirit and life (as spirit is life), you would view the aggressor as lacking in the consciousness of abundance and self-empowerment—the consciousness in which there is unlimited opportunity and means for all, and that personal advancement and growth is available to everyone and is never at the expense of others but rather benefits all of life.

By paying attention only to the essences, we strengthen them within ourselves and align powerfully to Spirit and its impulse for increase of life. Without reaction to the competitive behaviour, you don’t lend it any power. By strengthening abundance and self-empowerment consciousness in yourself, you align to great opportunities coming to you with ease. It does not matter whether or not the competitive person gets the position he was scrambling for, as you know that still greater opportunities are available to you.

This is not to advocate passivity in life; strengthening your belief in abundance and opportunity for all and doing all that you can to ‘more than fill your place’ in life in order to be a vibrational match to receive the greater opportunities is by no means passive. But you will have remained unperturbed and in the integrity of all the positive energies out of which you are choosing your life to emerge. This is a good example as well of how, with deliberate conscious awareness, you remain sovereign over your reality and no one can threaten or diminish what you are fervently manifesting for yourself.

Esoterically, Spirit is also movement, as life is continual growth. When you perceive only the essences in varying degrees of strength, you bring Spirit to bear in the situation, which ensures movement and transformation. On the other hand, with duality consciousness, you bring untruth, which leads even further to confusion, impasses or untenable situations that have no resolution at that level of consciousness.

Some examples of essences include love, honesty, respect, perseverance, hope, goodness, beauty, devotion, passion, and health. Their respective absences—mistakenly viewed as opposing powers in duality consciousness—might look like fear, dishonesty/deceit, disrespect/scorn, giving up/laziness, hopelessness/despair, evil, ugliness, self-centeredness, lifelessness, and illness/disease. When we see only the essences in varying degrees, we no longer see others as dishonest, for example, but rather as having lost the connection to truth and the empowerment that comes from that connection. And with loss of true power comes the perceived need for deceit. With this understanding, our perception is completely reframed and devoid of illusion-generating judgment. Our heart can remain open and in time, will become the seat of a higher intelligence.

If you will work exclusively with the real essences of life, paying attention only to their presence or absence (and the varying degrees in between), you will achieve accelerated evolution. The following benefits and more will occur:

1- You will awaken to a new level of conscious awareness (by exerting positive resistance to duality consciousness) that no longer maintains resistance to life
2- You will move quickly into Reality and innocent perception1, which will move your consciousness into the center of your Heart, awakening your heart intelligence
3- You will enjoy peace of mind and continually forgive what shows up around you in life; you remain inwardly free of hooks to people and things
4- By the law of Attraction, you will bring these wonderful essences into your life experience
5- By continually seeing essences, you will have realized the Magnetic Mind2, and be a very strong attractor point for all that is positive and ‘real’
6- In the Magnetic Mind, you will enjoy great economy of action3, as all your actions emerge from a state of being united in intention, thought and emotion.
7- You will be a strong attractor point to unlimited blessings, as you are an agent of increase for Spirit that seeks expansion.

One of the Inner Mastery Tools, the Joy Signature and Pain Management Tool (JS/PMT), is dedicated to supporting the paradigm shift from the pain signature of duality consciousness to the joy signature of holistic, unity consciousness. With repeated use of the Tool in day-to-day life, a person is increasingly shifted from mental programs that sustain illusion, toward divine ideal truths that allow one to dwell fully in the reality of God’s creation. In the joy signature, the path to healing and ever-greater wholeness is always visible, since you always move on the spectrum of the real constants of life. Not only does this undo illusion mentally and emotionally, but returning to wholeness supports physical healing as well.
Exercise to Move out of Duality and into Reality Consciousness

Perceiving everything as varying degrees of essences will move you out of duality and into reality consciousness.

Exercise 1 – Changing Your Perception of Life
Look at your life as a whole. Write down words that broadly define how your life feels and looks to you. For every word expressing a negative perception, rewrite it as the absence or weakened presence of something positive. Now ponder on why your life has this ‘essence’ in a weakened or absent state. Find the causes or origins of this state of affairs, and reconnect to the essence that was present at some point in time. If the essence was never present in this lifetime, then simply imagine a state of being in spirit where it was present. Connect to the essence and imagine having that essence accessible to you. How would it impact your life? Play it out in your mind in as much detail and as clearly as you can. Remember the subconscious mind that is your ‘genie in the bottle’ makes no distinction between what is real or imagined—it simply seeks to carry out your commands which are communicated by your emotion-imbued intentions. So feel the presence of those essences and they will begin to take reality in your life.

You may sense subtle or not-so-subtle resistances to these new energies—understand that this is to be expected, since for everything in your life that is unwanted and that you consciously resist, there is a simultaneous subconscious resistance to what you think you want. With repetition, you will get accustomed to the new energy and all resistance (conscious and subconscious) will dissipate. Do this for everything on your list.

Keep your list with you, and read the essences daily, entering into a feeling-state of each one of them. Be in gratitude and let yourself love those essences in you. Take your time with the gratitude-love step, as this is most powerful in being in the energies of fulfilment.

When you feel immersed in gratitude and love, begin tapping your third eye, firmly but gently, for about 20 seconds while breathing deeply through your nose and exhaling out the mouth. This point is the beginning of the Bladder meridian that runs through all the nerves down your spine. Tapping at this point will direct this vibrant energy to leave an imprint on your entire nervous system, thereby making it easier for your body to support that vibration.4

If you have the Affirmation Enhancer Tool (, formulate several affirmations to strengthen the presence of those essences in your life and do these daily. (An adaptation of this article is available to AET users on the website, which describes specific ways to use the AET in this exercise).

Exercise 2 – Changing Your Self-Image
Repeat the above exercise looking at your self-image. Write down words that broadly capture how you see yourself in life. For every word expressing a negative perception, rewrite it as the absence or weakened presence of something positive. Now ponder on why this ‘essence’ expresses in a weakened state, or is absent from you. Find the causes or origins of this state of affairs if you can, and reconnect to the essence that was present at some point in time. If the essence was never present in this lifetime, then simply imagine a state of being in spirit where it was present. Imagine having had this essence throughout life—replay scenes and scenarios and bring this up to the present time. Let yourself really feel that essence in the now, in a strong state as though you had it all your life.

For every word expressing a positive that feels false to you (e.g. appearing self-confident and competent, when you don’t feel it), acknowledge the weakened state of that positive and look to why you feel a need to uphold that self-image. In the example, you may feel the need to be perfect and so cannot accept any weakness. The positive essence that is lacking is self-acceptance and feeling okay as you are. Again ponder on how this came to be, and reconnect to the essences (e.g. self-acceptance and feeling okay as you are, and true self-confidence and competence to life that emerges from that).

Connect to each of the essences and imagine having had that essence supported and encouraged in you while you were growing up and accessible to you now. Replay your past as though you had that essence blossoming in you. How would you feel at present with that essence, having had it through life? Play it out in your mind and as clearly as you can. How do you feel, look, interact, talk, etc. Do this for each of the essences, and then do it for all the essences together.

What greater capacities do you feel in that new state of being with all those essences? Write down words that capture this new self-image most powerfully for you. See yourself as this new you with these new capacities and get as clear a picture as you can, using all your senses.

Now feel grateful for the right, freedom and capacity to define yourself in life, and love this you that you are sensing. Love being him or her, love those capacities, those feeling-states, the self-image, etc. Love being what you want to be; love how it feels, how you perceive life from that state of being, etc.

Again, when you feel immersed in all these wonderful energies, begin tapping your third eye as described above, in order to imprint this new self-image more deeply.

Exercise 3 – Improving Relationships
And finally, repeat the above exercise on significant people in your life, with whom you wish to improve your relationship. In this case, you wouldn’t immerse in the essences you found for another, but you could read the list of essences regularly, connecting to a feeling-state of recognizing those essences more strongly in that person. With your list of essences, you can image the person releasing all that caused the weakening of those essences in them, and see these becoming stronger and stronger in those essences. (This is a process of seeing the Wonderful Becoming in all things, which is described in the Spirituality of Wealth Program.)

Essences you may want to immerse in to support a better relationship would include the essences of acceptance and innocent perception. This topic is dealt with in greater detail in other articles. But in doing the essences exercises on yourself, you’ll begin to get an idea of how you might apply the basic principles to your perception of others.

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This report relates to information from The Spirituality of Wealth, a program to develop the consciousness of abundance that contains activations of the Inner Mastery Tools and the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. Visit . If you would like to receive other articles and announcements on new healing and enlightenment products we are developing, please join our email list (Inner Mastery Tools List) on

The Affirmation Enhancer Tool
The Affirmation Enhancer Tool may be regarded as ‘etheric software’ that clears all that stands in the way of integrating an affirmation energetically and awakening to the co-creative power inherent in the divine self. The Tool enables a person to embody the energy of the affirmation instantaneously, at deep levels of being. It does this by dissolving the back-wash of opposing thoughts, hidden agendas and unmet needs that often underlie affirmations, cleansing the subconscious mind of all memories, programs and patterns that do not support the affirmation, releasing emotional and mental body patterns and programs that support the denial of the affirmation, and infusing the body, heart, mind and soul with divine ideal traits that will support deep integration of the truth of the affirmation. The Tool also supports awakening of the divine rights of the human being to know him or herself as love, know the mysteries of life and its creation, and to his or her intended role as co-creator in life. For details, visit

Author's Bio: 

Anita Briggs, DCEd, MSc, DAc, is a psychotherapist, spiritual healer, and author who facilitates emotional clearing using Rapid Eye Therapy, energy psychology, and Inner Mastery Tools. In private practice for over 8 years, she has helped many clients heal from all manner of limitation, including depression, anxiety, phobias, addictions, relationship issues, physical conditions, and feeling stuck in life. With over 20 years of esoteric study and a strong vision and commitment to human freedom, her passion has been to help people become free of their past and able to embrace a life of greater purpose, and fulfillment.

From extensive training in a number of modalities, including more recently, a doctorate in Acupuncture, Anita offers a unique blend of methods and brings a wide range of spiritual philosophy and tools into her healing practice. She offers in-person as well as telephone sessions and distance healing.

Anita is continually seeking better, more effective and accelerated methods of achieving healing and enlightenment and this has led her to partner with two other visionary healers, in developing Inner Mastery Tools for therapy and personal healing. Anita is involved in many writing projects, including training manuals for therapists in use of the IMTs, and Interactive Healing Modules targeting common dysfunctions of your time.