Tapping into opportunity is about working creatively with potential, not being limited by challenges. The key to realizing your own potential is tuning in to how you interpret the events playing out in your own life. It’s about acknowledging fear and anxiety and releasing it. It’s about following your passion. Are we looking for the opportunities and making predictions that we can realize with our own actions?

The choice is ours. It’s about thinking accurately, making calculated risks and when things go wrong, seeing the setbacks as temporary. It’s about being innovative, flexible and resilient; being able to move forward from a fall. Resilience is the mindset that encourages sound and practical ingenuity and shines a light: for yourself and others.

Twelve Tips to being Resilient

• Resilience/optimism is not about sugar coating the truth. Lying gets you into trouble- even with yourself!
• Think of possibilities from different perspectives.
• Stop talking in absolutes. Eliminate the words nothing and never from self talk.
• Set specific goals that are attainable.
• When you are feeling down due to personal circumstances, take stock of your strengths.
• Lower the stakes, not the standards: Don’t have your whole life riding on the outcome of one event
• Savor small triumphs, steps leading to the bigger picture.
• Set aside self blame and learn from your mistakes.
• Surround yourself with positive people
• Do not read, watch or listen to the news if you become “too upset”.
• Take a few minutes each day to reflect on your feelings.
• Cultivate generosity and gratitude.

You are the only one who can control your attitude. By focusing on what is strong and enduring and seeing your potential, you can take calculated risks and overcome challenges. It takes an open, creative mind free from anxiety to pick up on opportunities. They are out there ready to be sweeped up by your positive and resilient radar.

If you need help with this, I recommend personal coaching: www.balanceandpower.com/coaching.php and meeting regularly with like minded folks. Check out The Balance and Power™ Network and other group offerings on www.balanceandpower.com/events.php Eileen may be contacted at 516 623 4353 (office), 516 547 5486 (cell) and eileen@balanceandpower.com

Author's Bio: 

Eileen Lichtenstein is the founder and CEO of Balance and Power ™ and of Moving Meditation® Fitness. She has been in the training and coaching arena for 20 years. Eileen believes inner strength and being centered are keys to life and business management. She offers innovative training, speaking and coaching integrating mind body modalities with traditional coaching-training methods. Her work embodies stress management/reduction and work-life balance for individuals and groups, developing strategies to facilitate success. She is a former biofeedback therapist and faculty at Hofstra University. Eileen has recently added Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT-ADV to her toolbox, and is excited to share amazing results with her clients!

Her audio CD program, Moving Meditation® Fitness complements any stress management program, and is adaptable to “office yoga”.