The 1st day of each season marks one of the four most powerful days of the year. We see evidence of this incoming power at Spring Equinox as we observe nature’s resurrection from what appeared to be death. Tree limbs that looked dead began to sprout new leaves … a tiny flower leaf pushes its way toward the Sun, often through hard soil, and even manages to grow through the small opening it pierces in a dead leaf. Blades of grass find their way to the Sun through cracks in a cement walk. Nothing can stop nature’s resurrection.

As an integral part of nature and all of creation, we possess the innate power of resurrection into newness of life. Study the Divine Self. (You can order this illustration from: )

Meditate on your Divine Self as you repeat aloud Psalm 121.

“I lift up my eyes to the hills----from where will my help come?”
“My help comes from the Lord [God dwelling within us – the top figure] who made heaven and earth.”

“He will not let [my] foot be moved; he who keeps [me] will not slumber.” [We dwell within the ever-present protective energy of white light enfolding us.]
“He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” [The hidden meaning of “Israel” = those who seek their indwelling God.]

“The Lord [God dwelling in you and enfolding you in white light] is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The Sun will not strike you by day nor the Moon by night.” [As we attune to the God within and consciously walk in the white light surrounding us, we are protected from all harm. As we resurrect our conscious awareness to the light and have absolute faith in it, the white light around us becomes an impenetrable shield of protection………..] “The Lord is your keeper.”

“The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.”

On this Spring Equinox 2009, may each of us resurrect our conscious awareness to the knowledge that we live and move and have our being within the energy of God’s love and protective shield. May we find the courage to ascend into all that we can be! A child god!

Illustration of the Enlightened One is taken from C.W. Leadbeater's MAN: VISIBLE & INVISIBLE.


Author's Bio: 

Nancy Detweiler is an author writing to bridge the gap between orthodox Christianity and the New Aquarian Age spirituality and world view including humanity evolving into galactic humans. Her website is