Surprising results came from a psychological study into the question, “What are the main causes of unhappiness?” The study found that the #1 reason for unhappiness was procrastination.

A correlation can be drawn to the unhappiness that will result in by putting off decisions and actions to a lack of control over you life. Brian Tracy, the motivational author, states that to the degree that you feel that you are in control of your own life, that you are happy.

The psychological study and Brian Tracy’s findings showed many other reasons for causes of unhappiness as well. But, the study, Brian Tracy’s findings, and many other motivational and success gurus point out he importance of making decisions and getting things done in a timely way as chief causes in being successful and content.

To help you overcome procrastination and just do it, here are two practical tools:

1. Write out on paper possible outcomes if you make a decision (including worst
case scenarios.)
2. Don’t wait until things are “right,” to make a move or decision, just get things

Let’s look at our first tool. Studies have shown that much of this fear is based on being judged for what could be a bad decision. These “judgments” of people that you worry about are mostly in your own mind. They may be emotional reactions to a parent or teacher judging you harshly when you were a child but that have little or no basis in your current reality. Also, many people procrastinate because they fear great loss may occur as the result of a decision they make. They see the negative far outweighing possible positive outcomes.

How bad could your decision be? By writing down possible outcomes of making your decision, including even the worst case scenarios, you’ll find that the fear fantasies you have in your mind probably don’t match the possible outcomes that you commit to paper. Even the worst case scenarios that you write down aren’t quite as scary as the random thoughts in your mind.

Also, it’s actually good to be “judged” by others by the outcome of what you do and decide. That’s called “feedback.” This feedback will allow you to make adjustments and improvements in what you are doing.

Secondly, just get things started. Success coach Mike Litman interviewed a very successful businessman who told him not to get things perfect, just to get them going.

If you wait until the conditions are “perfect,” your chance may have come and gone—you may have waited too long. A rule of thumb is, don’t wait for the “A” effort to start something. It may take so long to get to things to an “A” that you miss your opportunity.

In general, make a move or decision when you can make a “C” effort. At least you will get things going. You will be more relaxed because you are not expecting perfection from yourself resulting in greater enjoyment and enthusiasm. After you make you decision or take action, people will give you feedback in order to make what you’re doing even better.

Author's Bio: 

Stan DiCarlo is an average guy committed to helping himself and others lead better lives. His advice comes from study and the practical application (always!) of what he learns. Stan's motto is, "making average great."