As I was getting ready to cook my scrambled eggs this morning, I was reminded of this simple tip to stimulate balance:
Use all the burners on your cooktop!
Use them in rotation starting with the burner on the far left. Continue in a clock-wise direction. How simple is that!

Yes, I know, it's summer and you're not cooking indoors as much. Perhaps you hardly cook at all. Either way, as you use each burner in rotation, you stimulate a different part of your life.

To make it very easy to do: place a favorite kitchen magnet near the burner to be used next.
Why does using all the burners on your cooktop stimulate balance in your life? We use the cooktop, theoretically, to cook food to nourish our bodies. We need food to live. So the cooktop is a very important appliance, feng shui wise.

When we apply the feng shui grid or bagua to the cooktop, a part of your life receives attention as you use it. These three examples of cooktops with Elemenza symbols shows you which part of your life is affected by each burner.

You may particularly want to activate Relationship or Wealth or Travel. That is to say, to use those burners more frequently. I urge you to resist doing so. It may help you to know that opposite areas support each other. That means, the Helpful People + Travel Area supports Wealth + Lifestyle. The Knowledge + Spirituality Area supports Relationship. And so on.

Now that you are aware of how burner use can affect the balance of your life, as you use them in rotation with that intention, you welcome more balance in your life.

Want more balance tips? Check out the seminar offered August 5 at La Quinta U(niversity) at the La Quinta Hotel & Resort.

Really wish you could attend but you live hundreds or thousands of miles away? Ask me to give this seminar as a teleclass or webinar! Comment, below!

Copyright © 2009 Kathleen Tumpane. All rights reserved.


You can, as long as you include the copyright and this blurb with it:

Feng Shui Designer, Teacher, and Coach, Kathleen Tumpane ASID, is the author and creator of Elemenza Weekly, her FREE weekly ezine which includes her renowned column ‘Simply Feng Shui’ rich in Feng Shui Design and Lifestyle tips to help you design your home and office rich in elegant and subtle feng shui power that helps you live and work in balance. Visit to learn more.

Author's Bio: 

Kathleen Tumpane ASID is available for custom interior design, home & office feng shui consultations, and speaking engagements. She is the author of Slim House Slim Body. For more info, visit or call 760.568.2933.