A revision may be your chance to make a difference in your end of year exams. Exam Confidence provides a range of courses from A level revision courses to Business A2 revision courses to AS revision .
Our examiners will make a difference
Our courses are run by some of the best Principle and Chief examiners in the country. This way you are provided with some of the most innovative methods of revising for your exams and gain the insight of what your examiners will expect of you and your answers.
As well as providing you with knowledge, you will also find that your confidence will improve and you will start to feel a whole lot more positive about your exams in general. Our revision courses will help you feel more comfortable when put in an exam setting and will also help you lose the sense of stress and anxiety that lingers over most students before an exam. It is commonly known that most mistakes that are made in exams are due to students panicking and rushing.
Before you begin any of your revision courses you will partake in a quick questionnaire. This will provide us with all the necessary information that shows your strengths and weaknesses in certain units. This way, we know which subjects need more work than others.
Small class sizes - your A level revision
Our revision courses, whether it is a A level or AS course, are all small in numbers. We usually have a group of about six to make the learning experience a little more intimate, and it means our teachers can provide you with the attention and support that you need.
How we will ensure you improve your chance of a better grade
We help you realise how fun and interesting revision can actually be, as well as show you the importance and benefits. Attending our courses is the first step of working towards improving your chances of success.
All of the revision courses, A level revision courses, Business Studies A2 revision courses and Maths courses are unit and exam board specific. We run the course over two days, starting at 9.00am and finishing at 5.30pm. All of the course materials that you need will be provided for you. Our teachers are approachable and try to encourage you to take part and ask questions whenever it feels relevant. Exam Confidence works to help you stay encouraged, prepared and focused.

Author's Bio: 

Nidhi Shrivastava writing for A Level Revision at Exam Confidence.