At the beginning of every year we promise ourselves we will live a healthier life, and exercise more. The year starts with the best of intentions, but many times we are unable to keep up with very high goals. Good news is a healthy lifestyle is achievable and it’s all about making small changes that make a difference.

News on healthy lifestyles says that the key is moderation and consistency. There are so many health and wellbeing products out there in the market promising many things. And although many may be genuine, select carefully choose organic certified and chemical free products.

The basics of a healthy lifestyle is maintaining a balanced diet and doing regular exercise. By eating well, it means really to make sure you include plenty vegetables and fruits preferably in season in your diet, avoid fried and junk foods and foods high in sugar as well as processed foods. Eating fresh homemade meals, rather than ready made meals which are high in salt and sugar is always the better option. Reducing alcohol intake, drinking plenty of water and supplementing your diet with healthy snacks like nuts and seeds as well as healthy herbal remedies also helps boost wellbeing. Superfood supplements in the colder season like Spirulina and Goji Berry boost immune and help the body fight away seasonal afflictions.

Switching to healthier cooking organic oils such as Rapeseed or virgin coconut oil may be a small step but helps towards living a healthier way of life. Herbal remedies like Echinacea, or other formulations with Ginseng and Astragalus that help boost energy and cope with stress are healthier health solutions rather than popping pills. The idea is to adapt to a more holistic way of life and maintain health through your food intake.

For external care choose natural skin care products and hair care oil that are natural beauty remedies and free from all nasties that you don’t want on your body. Natural beauty care involves using natural moisturizers like Argan oil, Coconut oil and Sweet Almond oil. These replenish the skin and nourish the skin far more than counter creams full of chemicals and nasties. Skin reflects what we put inside of us, so a healthy diet with plenty of greens and healthy protein will boost glowing skin. And for external care boost skin glow by massaging cold pressed organic oils that help maintaining younger looking skin.

Of course exercise is essential but the key is regular and consistent exercise. So walking three times a week for 45 minutes is much more beneficial than a binge workout once a week. Sun Salutations are a great way.

So it’s not that hard really, it’s just finding something comfy and a easy workout wardrobe. A couple of yoga tops, vests and tanks with a couple of yoga cropped pants should get you started off.

Author's Bio: 

Healthy lifestyle is achievable by using beauty products for skin and hair and nourishing your body and soul with and energizing your aura.