Did you know that scientists have discovered an actual gene that they believe may have a correlation to a man’s likelihood of cheating on his partner? This gene is called allele 334 (if you had a habit of sleeping through your biology class, like me, an allele is part of a chromosome). A man can have anywhere from zero to two copies of these allele in his unique genetic make up.

Guys with two of these “adultery genes” were more likely to have problems in a committed relationship, they were less likely to get married, and the women that they were in relationships with reported more dissatisfaction with the relationship.

Does this mean that your husband or boyfriend is off the hook for cheating on you?

Of course not. He may be genetically more predisposed to temptation, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have free will. We are human beings, after all, not just robots that are helpless to make our own conscious choices and fully the victims of our “programming.”

We all have to make choices in our daily lives and, as adults, we have to take responsibility for our choices. We can’t just say “I had no control over the fact that I cheated. It’s in my genetics?”

Just like anything else, it is all about choice.

Just as some people may be more genetically prone to storing body fat, or developing heart disease, or getting diabetes, that doesn’t mean that have cart blanche to just run amok and eat whatever they please without paying the consequences for their actions.

If they want to live a healthy life, they have to watch what they eat and get regular exercise to stay fit. And of course, this also means that they may need to avoid certain situations where they might be tempted to eat high sugar sweets, which ultimately aren’t good for them. There is no reset button on life, and these people can’t just say “it’s not my fault I’m obese and unhealthy. It’s my genetics.”

The same can be true for a man who may have a tendency to cheat. He still has to take the responsibility for his actions. If he knows that he may become tempted easily by other women, he should take measures to avoid people and situations that may tempt him. Maybe he shouldn’t go to the strip club for his friend’s bachelor party, or spend time with certain coworkers that he feels an attraction toward.

So, maybe some men are more inclined to cheat than others on a genetic level. This really doesn’t excuse that sort of behavior though. As full-grown adults in our society, men need to take responsibility for their actions rather than blaming it on their genetics. That’s just a childish excuse that holds no weight. The bottom line is that if you know that you have a predisposition to fall into temptation, then the answer is to simply avoid situations where you might do something that you later regret.

Author's Bio: 

If you'd like to learn more about why do men cheat please be sure to check out my recommended infidelity books.

Alex Haight is a relationship writer helping women with relationship problems and specializing in affairs and infidelity.