As a social alcoholic, or a social drinker you may be considered as a low-risk drinker.

You may find yourself becoming defensive when friends or family members show some concern in regards to your increase consumption of alcohol.

After all you are just enjoying a drink socially, there is nothing to worry about or is there?

So what exactly does a social alcoholic mean and what are the problems associated with this?

Unfortunately alcohol is still a very sociably accepted part of Group gatherings - whether that be special events such as birthdays, anniversaries, business, sporting events etc.

OK, I am not going to deny that I enjoy the occassional drink of wine or two.

But I believe that it has surpassed the enjoyment stage when you have become so accustomed to the taste and feel of alcohol that it leads onto the extra glass or two. To the uncontrollable-

Binge stage of bottles and let's see how "tanked we can get"

For me personally I do not see any pleasure, fun or enjoyment in that.

In the short term it creates vomiting, headaches, migraines and loss of bodily functions.

The forgotten memories of the prior events then days of getting your body back into somewhat of a normal state if you remain alcohol free.

Now long term for those of you who may be interested, it will lead to kidney and liver malfunction: Cancer, Alzheimer's and dementia.

Now you may say to yourself this is a long way off and the care factor therefore minimized to non existent

Digging a Little Deeper let's have a look at the people in your life -

What about your loved ones who have to stand by watching you destroy your life and deteriorate to a point where no one is able to help you.

So what is a Social Alcoholic? = A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually.

Drinking alcohol in excess that is going to be detrimental to your body and your body functions is drinking in excess of 3 - 6 alcoholic drinks over the period of a week.

So what can you do!
•Well the first step is to realize the habit that has accumulated.
•Then to begin to reduce your intake of alcohol, firstly at home - have "No Alcoholic beverages in the house.
•Replace alcoholic drinks either with water, freshly squeezed juices or Kombucha.
•Kombucha is a great way to replace alcoholic beverages as it also helps to regain healthy digestion that has been damaged through the excess alcohol consumption.
•When you go out begin with water, then say a bitter, lime and lemon. You may well find after this you don't want anything else to drink.
•Don't allow anyone to have influence over what or how much you drink. It is OK to say NO!

However if you do just have one glass of wine or beer. This may well not be an option if you know that you are not going to be able to stop at this.

Remember often what may give you a feeling of happiness and enlightment short term.

Will undoubtly have long term detrimental results for which you or your loved ones are not going to be happy with.

It is quite common and I know personally that I have had so-called friends trying to encourage me to have another drink, refilling my glass. '

Learning to say NO!!! once again to people is OK. You are not out to win the friendship of people who have no thought or care to your wellbeing.

This is not fun and it is definitely not what true friendship is about. For me I didn't like what came with it the vomiting, the migraines and just that total feeling of being out of it.

Remember you are the one at the end of the day who will do the suffering. Whether it be cancer, dementia, kidney disease. Financial crisis because you are not able to work or function effectively.

If you are struggling with this, it may sound funny but I have written a book on "Why can't I give up Smoking", but this isn't just about smoking.

It is helpful for anyone wanting to overcome negative addictions, understanding the how's and why's.

Then the steps to move from these into positive living habits.

Empowering you to Optimal Health Julie Doherty N.D

Author's Bio: 

Julie Doherty N.D is a visionary pioneer and a Recognized World Health Leader in the field of Naturopathic Medicine
This being understanding the elements of mind, thinking and emotional health the connections with our physical health. Understanding of the inner connection of mind, body and spirit – Your True Internal Strength.
Dr Julie is well known for her empowering approach to men, women and children’s health. The true essence in not only becoming well but staying well. Dr. Julie teaches each person how to thrive through every stage of life.