This article is about the 3 deadly mistakes that tend to keep people feeling stuck in a rut for a very long period of time. Maybe you are one of those people, hopefully you are not, either way, after reading this article you will know if you are, and if you are not, you will definitely know what to look out for.

Mistake #1 Living in the past.

It is impossible for you to move forward with your life if you spend all your time living in the past. Now I know this is a simple, common sense principle, however through my journey through this life I have found that “common sense, is very uncommon”.

If you are to move forward with your life, then you must be looking to the future instead of looking to the past.

Mistake #2 Not taking responsibility for your life.

You are where you are right now because of the choices and decisions that you made. It is of no use whatsoever for you to spend your time and effort finding someone to blame for the current situation that you have found yourself in.

We all hit the occasional speed bump along the road of life, however you are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul. When you consistently blame others for your situation, you are operating from a vulnerable, victim mentality.

You are stating that your life is completely out of your control, and that is the kind of thinking that keeps people feeling stuck in a rut for a long period of time.

Mistake #3 Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

Albert Einstein, the Nobel prize winning physicist defined “Insanity” as “doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result”.

If something isn't working, then you do something different, (see common sense quote in mistake #1) if it doesn't work,then you change your approach again.

Einstein also stated that, “no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”.

When you do the same thing over and over and over again, and you expect to get a different result, you might not actually be insane, but you are most certainly acting like you are.

Remember, “to the man with a hammer, every problem resembles a nail”.

These 3 deadly mistakes keep good people just like you locked in the prison of their own minds, these 3 deadly mistakes are easy to cure.

Antidote #1. Stop living in the past and start planning and designing your future, where you are going is of far more importance than where you have been.

Antidote #2. Start taking responsibility for your life, stop giving away your personal power and take back control of your life.

Antidote #3. Be flexible, look at things from every perspective, when things are not working out the way that you want them to, change your approach and see how that works for you. Keep changing your approach as many times as is required for things to work out the way you want them too.

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