As a radio show host on my shows, I’ve learned to ask questions and discover the magnificence of whom my guests are. When creating a radio show that provides a platform for my niche and to help those who are interested in what I have to offer. I’ve also discovered two ways to accomplish attracting the right listeners. First is the hard way which is to educate and inform the general public with content hoping that the audience responds and then makes the effort to keep listening and have it make a difference in their lives. The other way, the easier way is to focus on the people with the antennas on their heads already tuned to what I have to say… finding the people who have similar passions as me.

How do I accomplish that? First, there is only one thing that makes people do things -- emotion. Without emotion people won’t do anything. Internet radio
is a great opportunity to open the emotional link. My audience can see me, they can see and hear my emotions since we have a video connection as well as the audio one. We have the option of a chat room for interactive conversations. Call-in options and Twitter messages can be accessed, too.

After providing an open platform for interaction, I need to find topics of interest for the people being attracted to my niche. The more compelling my content, the more people I will connect with and the more people will be motivated and inspired to respond back. I must stay focused and think about all my listeners from those who are just beginning in the conversation, through the long-timers which includes the listeners wanting to know about breaking trends.

The features and functions for success include getting my radio show on the internet at the lowest possible cost. I must broadcast live and distribute video, audio and podcasts and syndicate shows onto other channels. Every show needs a radio show page that is clean and impressive. There must be blogs and archives that are easily accessible. Commercials and sponsors help monetize the show. Automation is important because people can get bogged down in these activities which can prevent the host from focusing on their show, guests and audience.

Author's Bio: 

Coach Steve Toth has more then twenty years experience in; life coaching, leadership development, management consulting, professional coaching and culture change. He has worked with hundreds of executives entrepreneurs and professionals as a personal-executive coach. He studied at the Management Consulting Institute, Context Training, Landmark Education, PAIRS Foundation, Transformational Breath Institute, and Naropa University.

In 2003 he founded Real Coaching Institute to provide coaching programs and consulting services
that dramatically enhance individual and team performance in the areas of Sales, Motivation, Leadership, Teamwork, Communication
and Life Balance Management Skills.

In 2007 he founded Real Coaching Radio Network. He is the executive producer and with his team produces over a dozen radio shows weekly.

In 2009 he created a Joint Venture with My Rx for Living and later became a partner in On-line Interactive Coaching Community and Membership Site. It is a place for motivated, success driven people to focus on improving their lives together; creating financial independence, better relationships, greater ability to communicate
, spiritual awareness and improved health and well being. Coaching content in the form of live RCRN radio-TV shows, videos, blogs and lessons are offered on a daily, weekly, monthly basis by Coaches and Course Leaders.