Because many people do not believe in or accept astrology, they place themselves in positions to unnecessarily suffer from health problems and maladies that they are prone to due to astrological implications.

If you ask most people who have an aversion to astrology, they never studied astrology for themselves. Most people do not believe in astrology due to religious programming and belief. At one point in my life when I was religious, being Christian and subsequently Muslim, I too wrote off astrology. It wasn't until my good friend, religio-politico occult philosopher research, Jordan Maxwell, showed me the research that the modern-day aversion to astrology, especially by religious people (Jew, Christian, and Muslim) is due to not understanding Biblical stories origins. Understanding ancient religion origins explains our ignorance, rejection, and fear of astrology which is written in the Universe.

Maxwell shows and with irrefutable evidence, thanks to feminist researcher Barbara G. Walker, author of the Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and History, that the three Western religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have their origins in ancient nature and astrological or celestial bodies worship.

Judaism embraces moon worship. One of the ancient names of the God of the Jews was Sin. This is why Moses met and communed with his God, Sin, on Mount Sinai (Sin-ai). The Jews also worshipped the God Saturn and were thus into Saturnalia worship. When does the moon come out? At night, right? Of course! And when do orthodox Jews come out to worship? Answer: At night, because that's when the moon (a/k/a Sin) is out. And on what day do the Jews worship? Answer: Saturday, because that's the day dedicated to the God Saturday. See, even in a Judeo-Christian nation, we still pay homage to our pagan ancestry and even acknowledge the days of the week and the months of the year with the use of pagan gods names and not the names of Moses, Jesus (Christ), Abraham, or other prophets or the twelve disciples (of Jesus).

When you say the names of the seven days of the week, you are saying and unknowingly acknowledging the names of pagan gods and celestial bodies/deities. For example, Monday derives from Moon's Day. Tuesday derives from Tiwaz Day. Wednesday derives from Wodin's Day. Thursday derives from Thor's Day. Friday derives from Freya's or Frigg's Day. Saturday derives from Saturn's Day. Sunday derives from Sun's Day.

And we can't forget the pagan names of the week! March is named after the god of war, Mars. April is named after the sex goddess, Aprilis. May is named after the goddess Maia. June is name after the marriage goddess Juno, which is why most marriages in Western nations occur in the month of June. July is named after Julius Cesar, a pagan worshipper himself. August is named after Augustus Cesar. The last four months of the Western year are named after numbers or prefixes that denote numbers (Sept = seven; Oct = eight, Nov = nine; and, Dec = ten) in order to throw man off or out of sync with nature so as to deceive man and take him out of sync with Nature and her calendar which coincides with the order of the astrological signs or houses of the Zodiac.

So Judaism was originally based upon moon worship, well, what about Christianity? Modern-day Christianity is based upon ancient sun worship. The ancient sun worshippers worshipped God's sun above in the sky or heavens. Today, God's sun is known as God's Son, a man (Jesus Christ). Just as the Sun in the sky is the light of the world, so is Jesus according to Christian doctrine and dogma. Just as God's sun in the sky or heaven dies and resurrects, so does Jesus according to Christian doctrine and dogma. Just as the ancient sun worshippers worshipped the sun on Sun's day, so do Christians (who attend church service on Sunday). And just as the sun utilizes the help of the twelve zodiac signs in order to help man on Earth, so does Jesus who uses his twelve apostles or disciples to help man on Earth.

The true founder of Christianity, Roman Emperor Constantine, knew all of the above. Constantine himself was a pagan and worshipped in the cult of Mithras, another sun and savior god who has the same precise history as Jesus and the other sixteen crucified saviors of the world. As Jordan Maxwell says: "Christianity is not the greatest story ever told, it's the only story ever told."

Modern religious adherents don't know any of this because they don't know ancient history because they do not study hardly anything, especially the true and pagan origins of their faith. Remember, modern-day religion (especially Christianity) is based upon "belief" and "believing," not knowing.

Okay, what about Islam? Islam too has a pagan ancestry. In establishing his version of Islam, the prophet Muhammad hid the true pagan origins of his concocted faith called Islam. Muslims are modern-day worshippers of the Moon Goodess, Kore (or Q're). Kore had three aspects or attributes: Al-Lat (which was masculinized by Muhammad and became Allah), Al-Uzza, and Al-Manat. Kore corresponds to the goddess Freya or Frigg who is the only female deity who has a day of the week named in her honor ? Friday. It is no coincidence that Muslims' chief day of the week is Friday. Kore's color was green which corresponded to vegetation and cereal grass (hence, the name "Ceres" also being connected with Kore) and also explains the Koran or Qur'an being green in color. Muhammad did not write the Qur'an. The Qur'an existed before Muhammad and was known in Arabia by the pagans as the Book of Kore (or Q're). This is why Muhammad was instructed by an angel (Gabriel) to "recite" or "read" in the name of his Lord.

Kore's symbol was the crescent moon which is why to this very day Islam is symbolized by the crescent moon. You see the crescent moon on the Turkish flag and also the flag of the militant Black Muslim group/cult in America called the Nation of Islam (though it is reversed as a Masonic sign of reverse psychology with the use of religion Islam, in order to attempt to help uplift the Black man and woman of America from their 400 year stupor at the hands of the American and English white man).

Islam is a variation of both Judaism and Christianity. Judaism gave birth to Christianity and Christianity gave birth to Islam. In fact, prophet Muhammad learned about religion and God from the Nestorian Christians, a sect of Gnostics who practiced Christianity from an esoteric perspective, whom he met with and learned from while on caravan as a merchant trader for his Christian wife, Khadijah. Islam as a religion or faith was born out of Nestorian Christianity and subsequently incorporated as a franchise of the Roman Vatican Church. To this very day, both Islam and Catholicism mean "universal." This is no coincidence! Both Catholicism and Islam acknowledge "Fatima," the alleged daughter of Muhammad. This too is no coincidence! All and every sect of Islam is a subsidiary of the Roman Vatican Church and Catholicism.

Western religious texts are full of astrological implications. The twelve apostles/disciples of Jesus and the twelve tribes of Israel both signify the twelve zodiac signs with Jesus and Jacob both signifying the Sun. We find the prophet Job making mention of such star systems as Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades. Job 9:9 and 9:38

We find in the New Testament the story of the wise men who were looking for Jesus' star in the East. Matthew 2:1-2 This star is known as the "East Star" (Easter) and rises in Orion's belt.

Clearly these star gazers were astrologers. Above we have an open and shut case for astrology in the Bible.

We even find the Islamic Qur'an making mention of the star system Sirius in Holy Qur'an 53:49. Clearly the alleged founders of Western religions' certain prophets acknowledged the various celestial bodies enough to at least make mention of them.

But why did Moses (who never really existed historically but is a prototype of the Egyptian or Khemetic, Mizes, who met with Ra (God) at the top of a pyramid) instruct his followers not to delve into stargazing? Clearly, Moses was the leader of the moon cult (Sin) and had a beef (conflict) with other ancient cults, especially the stellar cult who worshipped the stars, and were hence called "stargazers."

Ancient religions had many cults (gangs) back then. There was the Moon cult (of which Moses was a part of); the Stellar cult, the Sun cult; the fire cult (whose God appeared to them in the form of fire, even a burning bush, sounds familiar?); the water/river cult (where initiation was based upon "baptism," making the new believer or convert "born again" or "born anew," now do you understand the origins of the Christian baptism?); the Saturnalian cult (that faced towards the East [Jerusalem] to pray, which is what Muslims do today even though Muhammad switched Jerusalem to Mecca to break free of Saturnalian cult connection and ties).

One of the main reasons life was not so difficult for ancient people, especially those in the know, the Gnostics, those in esoteric circles, etc., was because they acknowledged and lived in harmony with Nature and Universal law. Ancient alchemists, astrologers, herbalists, magicians, healers, witches or wise women, etc. all acknowledged the various movements of the celestial bodies to perform their craft, art, and/or science. The ancients knew there was a time under the sun for everything. Nothing was done haphazardly and out of time, sync, or season like we do today which accounts for a lot of our problems in life today. One of the ways is in the area of health of which this article is based upon; but I had to first set up a foundation.

Every true natural healer acknowledges, embraces, and utilizes astrology to some degree. The phases of the moon bring out certain attributes and qualities of certain plants (herbs) and crystals and helps intensifies certain medication, concoctions, and elixirs. It was established centuries ago that seeds planted when the Moon is in signs and phases called "Fruitful" (Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) will produce more growth than seeds planted when the Moon is in a Barren sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius).

I am a natural healer who utilizes astrology in my work and consultations, especially in health and love/relationship areas. With me, there is no denying astrology. It works and has worked profound wonders for me. Astrology helped me to improve my personal health, understand and know myself better, bought true love (my Soul Mate) into my life, and improved my relationship with family members, friends and others.

It's funny how many people, including religious people, will deny or repudiate astrology but when you ask them "What's your sign," they don't hesitate to tell you what their zodiac sign is. You see, deep down in our subconscious and psyche, we believe in astrology, but then the mind due to religious, cultural, and societal programming blocks this belief and knowledge.

People are so funny! I asked a Black Muslim friend of mine here in Los Angeles did the Messenger (Elijah Muhammad) teach on dreams and he emphatically said "No!" "The Messenger didn't teach any of that New Age stuff!" So I asked him, "How come you dream then?" He was discombobulated! He just sat there with an ignorant look on his face that read "I really don't know why!" So I asked him, "You just dismiss everything you don't understand and never looked in to or studied for yourself?" He just looked at me with an expression on his face that said: "damn!" I said, "If you dream, do you think the dreams mean something, that everything we do has a divine purpose?" He was simply perplexed but his energy clearly told me he never looked into the matter for himself.

He called me a few days later asking me where he could buy some good dream interpretation books and I gave him a list of a few good metaphysical/New Age bookstores where he could find such.

You see folks, if dreaming was so unimportant and insignificant, how come my friend couldn't explain why he and everybody else dreamed? It's amazing that something deemed so insignificant and unimportant by so many, such as dreaming, can overtake us almost every night and yet in waking state or hours we say the thing is insignificant and unimportant and don't even look into it.

Dream interpretation was so valuable and important that God blessed the prophet Daniel with the gift of dream interpretation:

"...and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams." Daniel 1:17 He was actually used by King Nebuchadnezzar to decipher his dreams which perplexed him.

I asked a good and dear Christian (Seventh Day Adventist) friend did Ellen G. White, their founder, teach on astrology. She said "No!" So I asked her, "Then why do you call yourself and claim to be a Gemini?" "Why do you know that you are a Gemini if it is so insignificant?" "How come you say you don't get along with or is not compatible with other signs?" She sat in silence with a discombobulated look on her face. She never gave it any real thought until I hit her with those questions. This is part of what I do because I'm a "hit-man," a thought-provoking hit-man!

Most people just blindly believe and never question or study things for themselves and this is big reason for many problems people have in their lives in our world today. Blind belief! The foregoing is especially true of the average religious adherent/believer.

Astrology is so powerful in its function (which is "influence" and "guidance") that in Hollywood they call actors and actresses "stars." Not only do stars above shine, but they also have the power and ability to influence human affairs and activity (and only for the good).

Hollywood via many PR (public relation) firms and government has long used Hollywood and its mundane or lower "stars" to influence the mass public, both good and bad, though mostly bad for control purposes. This is very evident pertaining to cigarette smoking, fashion, beauty, dancing; violence, FEAR, sex and pornographic sex, adultery; serial killing/murder, political propaganda; drug consumption, racism, sexism, degeneracy; disrespect of females; police brutality and disrespect of law enforcement; and unconscious and free use of profanity or vulgar language. However, today due to the new paradigm shift in consciousness, we can see much positivity, good, and accurate information on the scene in Hollywood films, which is evident with such movies and documentaries as Fahrenheit 9/11, The Secret, What The Bleep (Do We Know?); Waking Life, Defending Your Life, What Dreams May Come; Way of the Peaceful Warrior; The Celestine Prophecy Movie, Indigo; Bowling For Columbine; Roger & Me; Super Size This, Thank You For Smoking; Fast Food nation: The Movie; and Circle of Iron to name a few.

However, Hollywood has long provided classic films with positive and inspirational themes. If you have the energy for positivity you'll find these movies and if you have the energy for negativity you'll find and gravitate toward negative themed movies. For me personally, I almost always learn something positive from any movie I watch. I have programmed myself for such and get dynamic results. It's a wonderful feeling. I learn even when I am not consciously putting forth an effort to learn. That's profound to me!

Okay, so how is astrology important pertaining to health?

Astrology is very important in the field of health because all of us incarnated under some Zodiac sign, whether we acknowledge astrology or not. I'm willing to bet that every last one of you readers know your Zodiac sign.

There is no compulsion with astrology. Astrology takes into consideration free will. Nothing in the Universe can force you to do anything against your conscious will. Everything you do is voluntary and in everything you do there is a choice.

Every Zodiac or astrology sign corresponds to a part of the human body and therefore regulate and governs the energy at this particular body spot. The Law of Correspondence exists here with astrology and the human body. You will always find correspondence in Nature and the Universe.

Correspondence deals with numbers and numerology which is mathematics, the language of the Universe.

The seven days of the week correspond with the seven colors of full spectrum light (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, indigo, and violet), which correspond with the seven major or basic chakras (Muladhara, Swadlisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vissudha, Ajna, and Sahasrara), which correspond to the seven musical tones (C, D, E, F, G, A, B), which in turn correspond with the seven major glands of the human endocrine system (adrenal glands, gonads, pancreas, thymus gland, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and pineal gland). The Law of Correspondence in full effect!

Every astrology sign corresponds to a particular body part and also a cell salt which is imperative for the health of the individual.

The first sign in Western astrology of the Zodiac is Aries (the Ram). Aries governs the head region, brain and nervous system. Therefore, Aries are prone to headaches and migraine headaches, neuralgia, mental disorders, and other diseases indicative of the brain region (i.e. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease, etc.). My mother was an Aries and she suffered a nervous breakdown in 1983. She also took antidepressants for many years too. My mother always reminded us, her children, how she had "bad nerves." Today, with an understanding of astrology it all makes so much sense now.

The cell-salt for Aries is Potassium Phosphate.

Aries' statement is "I Am!" Arians can be very proud, pompous, and arrogant individuals. Things can really go to their "head," the area that gives them most of their health problems in life. Arians are high energy and very enthusiastic people. They are also very "brainy" and intelligent.

Arians are strong and enthusiastic, inspirational; zealous, imaginative, inventive, and optimistic.

Because Aries is governed by Mars, they can be energetic, initiative, warring, anger-prone, adventurous, courageous, daring, and impulsive. It is not uncommon for Arians to have a quick temper and ready to explode within a few seconds of anger. They can be tactless, insensitive, and sharp-tongued.

Aries corresponds to the First House which is the Personality House which deals with individuality, body appearance, and general outlook on life. Therefore, Arians are individualistic, self-conscious, and self-centered.

Aries is a Fire sign that is masculine (active) and "cardinal," which makes Aries a go-getter and very ambitious.

The second sign of the Western Zodiac is my sign and the sign of my eldest daughter, Layla, Taurus (the Bull). Taurus governs the neck and throat area which includes the thyroid gland, tonsils, throat, and vocal cords. Taureans are prone to neck injuries and diseases such as goiter, hypo/hyperthyroidism, strep throat, itchy/scratchy throat, tonsillitis, sore throats, and swollen lymph nodes under the face (chin area).

Taurus also governs the liver and so Taureans should watch for liver problems and diseases such as jaundice, hepatitis, and cirrhosis.

The cell salt of Taurus is Sulfate of Sodium.

Taurus' statement is "I Have!" Taureans are collectors of things, invisible and visible, and unfortunately, even people. Because they are collectors, they have a good recollection of things (memory recall) and thus have a very sharp memory and are very astute in academia and learning. This quality also makes it very difficult for a Taurus person to forget something, especially a wrong or injustice. This sign can carry a grudge for many years. Patience and perseverance are chief qualities of Taurus so time is nothing to them.

The "I Have!" energy makes Taurus very materialistic and possessive, especially of their loved ones! This is the most possessive sign in the Zodiac. Because Taurus governs the throat and vocal cords, they make some of the best musicians and singers, like Janet Jackson, Cher, Luther Vandross, Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Barbara Streisand, Bing Crosby, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, and Liberace to name a few.

They are very disciplined, persevering, patient, loyal, faithful and trustful (especially in relationships); open and honest; forthright and direct; kind, considerate, and loving; trustworthy, dependable; very helpful to others, charming, charismatic, and magnetic; gentle, considerate, emotional, principled, and strong willed. They learn best by experience.

Taurus corresponds with the Second House which is the Money House and deals with such things as finance, possessions, ethical principles, and gain or loss. Therefore, Taureans are great with finances and make excellent economists, bankers, financial advisors; business managers; speakers; and religious/social/political leaders and activists.

Poverty thoughts or thoughts of lack or scarcity can trigger many health problems in the area Taurus governs; but also depression and melancholy (which affects the liver).

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of Love and Beauty, therefore Taureans are natural aesthetics (like its cousin Libra) and love food and good drink, beauty (including the human body), romance, intimacy and sex; harmony and balance; art, beautiful possessions, and Nature (outdoors).

However, Taurus can be very stubborn (bull-headed), rigid, vulgar (foul-mouthed), brazen; gluttonous, hot tempered, moody, and risqué.

Taurus is an Earth sign (and thus very practical and grounded), feminine (receptive), and "fixed" which makes the Taurus very stubborn, especially to change. Fixed signs love routine and can become mechanical with it.

Next up we have Gemini (the Twins). Gemini rules or governs the nervous system, shoulders, arms, lungs, and the blood.

Geminis are prone to a host of diseases such as nervous disorders (listed above under Aries), shoulder and arm problems, blood disorders which also manifest as skin disorders, i.e. dry skin, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and acne; and lung problems (pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, etc.). Geminis are also prone to headaches too, just like Aries which also governs the nervous system.

The cell-salt for Gemini is Potassium Chloride.

Gemini's statement is "I Think!" Geminis are good thinkers! Very brainy and quick-witted individuals!

Gemini corresponds to the Third House which is the Relatives House which deals with relatives, communication, short journeys, writing, and education.

Because Geminis are governed by the Planet Mercury, they are great communicators, intellectuals, and debaters. Therefore, Geminis are quick to express what they're thinking about and thus love to talk and can talk your ears off. Because they are so brainy and love to do more than one thing at a time, it can be very difficult for them to concentrate on one thing for too long a time.

They can be sharp-tongued and very inconsiderate and selfish, thinking only of their own desires. They can also be very superficial with their knowledge, displaying it only for show. I know plenty of Geminis with this quality.

Gemini is an Air sign, masculine (active), and "mutable," which means the Gemini is very spontaneous and adaptable.

Next we have Cancer (the Crab). Cancer governs the digestive tract (stomach and esophagus), breasts, uterus (womb), and liver. The Cancer is prone to such diseases as digestive problems (flatulence or gas, dyspepsia, ulcers, indigestion), chest problems (with the female Cancer prone to breast maladies such as breast cysts/tumors, sagging breasts, breast cancer, and fibrocystic breasts); uterine complaints (endometriosis, uterine fibroid tumors, uterine atrophy, uterine bleeding, spontaneous abortion); and liver problems like jaundice, hepatitis, and cirrhosis.

The cell-salt for Cancer is Fluoride of Lime.

Cancer makes the statement "I Feel!" and thus are very emotional creatures. Naturally sensitive, empathetic, and sympathetic! The Cancer is a loving and sympathetic person; very kind and tender. As emotional creatures, they dislike to see others suffering and are very helpful and assisting of those in need. These individuals enjoy the home life as much as the Earth sign people (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn). They are very family-oriented and faithful and loyal people, especially in relationships.

Cancer corresponds to the Fourth House which is the Home House which deals with family and home, parental ties, land and property, and security.

Because Cancer is governed by the Moon, they are emotional, moody, intrigued by customs and habits; changeable, adaptive, and nurturing. They can also be very timid, have a down outlook on life, and be very demanding and needing of much reassurance in life.

Cancer is a Water sign, feminine (receptive), and "cardinal."

Next we have Leo (the Lion), the sign of my eldest son, Asim, who is a true lion. Leo governs the heart, spine, eyes, blood, and upper back. Leos are prone to such diseases as heart congestion, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, high blood pressure, heart attacks; spinal cord injuries; eye problems (conjunctivitis, glaucoma, dark rings around the eyes, blindness); blood diseases and disorders (named above under Gemini); and upper back problems (like upper back pain).

The cell-salt for Leo is Phosphate of Magnesia.

Leo's statement is "I shine!" Leo's love attention (spotlight) and must have it at all costs. They are very materialistic, high maintenance (the females); love to be the center of attention; make great leaders, are very popular; generous, hospitable, possess much energy and drive; very self-confidant; friendly, honest, and loyal.

Leo corresponds to the Fifth House which is the Pleasure House which deals with pleasure, children, creativity, entertainment, and risk. Leos love pleasure (especially in sex) and amusement and thus adventure. They are very creative individuals. Their high sexual drive leads to sexual creative energy which produces offspring as the Leo loves children. Leo's are big risk takers. They do well in the field of entertainment where they are able to shine like the Sun which governs them.

Because Leo is governed by the Sun, they are full of life, energetic, temperamental, powerful, and full of potential.

However, the Leo can become very arrogant. They can also become down or somewhat depressed if they don't get the attention they require. Leo's are very loving and loyal, especially in relationships. Leo's can be very self-centered (egocentric) and selfish. They are second to none!

Leo is a Fire sign, masculine (active), and "fixed" which makes the Leo stubborn like the Taurus.

Next we have Virgo (the Virgin or Maiden), a favorite sign of mine. I have always done well with and gotten along more than fine with Virgos, especially Virgo females, my favorite female and people. I instantly attract Virgo females into my life and develop a bond and relationship with them as if I've known them for my entire present life. There's just an instant attraction! Well, it helps that Taurus is one of two best or ideal signs for Virgo (the other being Capricorn); although with a lot of work, Virgo could find a good match in its zodiacal opposite sign, Pisces.

When I learned how to really work magic, program crystals (crystal magic), and the power of intention (predicated upon the Law of Attraction) I used all of the above to ask for and receive (to my great amazement) my ultimate Soul Mate, my wife. I specifically put it out into the Universe that I wanted a Virgo woman as a wife. I learned the attributes of Virgo and instantly knew this was the match or sign for me in the area of love, romance, and marriage and just overall compatibility in a relationship. I have never experienced so much peace, tranquility, serenity, unconditional love, compatibility, happiness, joy, and satisfaction with a woman in a relationship. My intent for a Virgo was deliberate and I received my desire. You can too!

Virgo governs or rules the abdomen, intestines, belly and liver. Virgos are prone to digestive problems (named above under Cancer), intestinal problems (mainly constipation, and especially in females); duodenal ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids; diverticulitis; stomach aches and pains; and liver problems (named above in Taurus).

The cell-salt for Virgo is Potassium Sulphate.

Virgos' statement is "I Analyze!" Virgos are very analytical! They are very critical (of self and others); detail oriented; perfectionists; meticulous; observant, loves purity (cleanliness, organization, order); very frank and blunt; sharp-tongued; witty, practical and down to earth, and hard-working (busy body). Virgos are best suited for service and therefore make good employees, nurses, teachers, and counselors.

Virgo corresponds to the Sixth House which corresponds to the Health House which deals with health, harvest, hygiene, work and service, and employment. Virgos are very health-conscious and hygienic individuals (especially the females). They love to serve people, which makes them excellent in the health and medical fields.

However, Virgos can be nit-picking, persnickety, captious, stern (especially with children); cynical, dogmatic and opinionated; and frivolous. More than anything else, they are very shy creatures and only open up to people they trust. They are also very sensual when they open up in love and romance.

Because Virgo is governed by Mercury (like Gemini), they are very communicative, intellectual, logical, and curious. They are greatly attracted to intelligence, a true turn on to them.

Because Virgo mentally digests a lot (information, data, knowledge), they are prone to digestive disorders as well as nervous system disorders (i.e. headaches, depression); and because Virgo also governs the liver, they are also prone to melancholy.

Virgo is an Earth sign, feminine (receptive), and "mutable."

Next up is Libra (the Scales or Balance), another of my favorite signs, ranking only under Virgo! I love this sign! My father, Earnest Cooper Sr, my favorite aunt (Shirley Maxwell), my all-time favorite girlfriend (Meisha Atkinson-Sharmen), and my youngest son, Ajani, were/are Libras. Libras are really good people!

Libra governs the kidneys, bladder, and lower back. Libras are prone to diseases such as uterine tract infection, kidney and bladder stones; kidney failure, bladder infection; water retention (edema), incontinence, lower back aches and pain (and sprains) and lumbago.

The cell-salt for Libra is Carbonate of Sodium.

Libra's statement is "I Balance" which makes Libra a great mediator or decision-maker. Libra is great at hearing both sides of a story and then rendering a decision. However, they are not good in this area when it comes to their own personal lives, often perplexed when it comes to making personal decisions and choices for themselves.

Libras are people who love peace and harmony. They are kind and considerate people. Love, romance, and marriage are a must for Libra. Libras dress very well; are very conservative and refined; tactful, honest, open-minded; love justice; are very alert and intelligent; and have impeccable taste. They are perhaps the most well-liked of all signs in the Zodiac and make the best friends.

They are very loyal and faithful (especially in relationships). They possess many attributes of Taurus due to being astrological cousins both ruled by the same planet (Venus). Like Taurus, Libra loves possessions and luxuries.

However, Libras can be deceitful and lying, vain, frivolous, and superficial; vacillating; and can also be very materialistic.

Libra corresponds to the Seventh House which corresponds to the Marriage House which deals with marriage and divorce, the law, and partnerships and alliances. No sign in the Zodiac requires romance and marriage like the Libra. They make great judicial officers due to their excellent faculty of discernment.

Because Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, Libras love romance, intimacy, and pleasure; harmony and balance; good food and drink; art, beautiful possessions. Like Taurus, they admire the human body, a work of art to them.

Libra is an Air sign, masculine, and "cardinal."

Next we have Scorpio (the Scorpion), which is not an ideal or compatible sign for me, at least so with Scorpio females, my Zodiac opposite. With a lot of work, Scorpio and Taurus can make for an ideal union as these two signs balance each other, as all opposites do (if the effort is put forth).

Scorpio governs the genitalia or sex glands and the eliminative channel organs (rectum); and yes, this explains why Scorpios are known to love sex and have atrocious sexual appetites. It's astrological-based! See, you don't believe in astrology but then turn around and bear witness to astrology. You know Taurus is stubborn! You know Pisces is imaginative and dreamy-eyed! And you know Scorpios like to f- - - k a lot!

I have not met a Scorpio woman yet who does not have a strong sexual desire and appetite for sex! And I'm not saying this is bad or wrong as I heavily believe in sexual expression to the fullest or the max. This sign is strongly and naturally governed by a powerful sexual energy.

Scorpios are prone to diseases of the reproductive/sexual system (mainly STD's, sexually transmitted diseases; prostatitis; ovarian and uterine fibroids/cysts; infertility and impotence; sterility; vaginal discharges), uro-genital system (urinary tract infection); and intestinal-rectal problems (hemorrhoids, ulcers).

The cell-salt for Scorpio is Sulphate of Lime.

Scorpio's statement is "I Desire!" This is the most obsessive sign in the Zodiac, and thus the most vengeful. No sign is better at revenge than the Scorpion, and don't let it be a female Scorpion!

However, Scorpios are passionate, affectionate, tender and loving, sensitive (and thus easy to be hurt); very sincere, very determined, open, frank, and honest; courageous, strong-willed; persevering, constructive; perceptive, intuitive and spiritual; and very resourceful.

Scorpions love a good challenge. They thrive off of it! Obstacles don't dissuade them one bit. Scorpios are in it to win it, and thus they love winning!

Because they are very desirous, they can be materialistic, frivolous, overly ambitious, selfish, demanding and persistent. And like Pisces (especially the female), they can be very secretive. They are also very jealous (rivaling Taurus), possessive, and obsessive.

The Scorpion is known to kill itself in killing its prey and the same attribute is in the Scorpion female who will stop at nothing to get revenge for someone who has wronged her, especially her heart in matters of love. This is not a female to mess over, especially if she's emotionally unstable.

Scorpio corresponds to the Eighth House which corresponds to the Inheritance House which deals with inheritance, secret deals, sex, death, and regeneration.

Scorpio is ruled by dual planets, Mars and Pluto. Mars deals with energy, initiative, war, anger, adventure, courage, and impulse. Pluto deals with creation and destruction (life and death); total transformation, lust for power, and strong obsessions.

Scorpio is a Water sign, feminine (receptive), and "fixed."

Next up is Sagittarius (the Archer). Sagittarius governs the hips, thighs, and liver. I can always spot a Sagittarius female by looking at her hips and thighs, which are usually very well shaped and defined.

Sags are prone to such diseases as overweight-ness in the hips and thighs (big hips and thighs), hip problems; lumbago, and liver diseases (named above in Taurus).

The cell-salt for Sagittarius is Silica.

Sagittarius' statement is "I See!" Sagittarius love fun and games, adventure and quest. They love to travel, to go places, to see things!

Sags are honest and forthright, open and earnest; very broad-minded, tolerant; generous, possess high standards, very trusting of others; friendly and outgoing, forgiving; good humored (loves jokes, and loves to laugh); athletic, animated, and imaginative yet practical. They love things that pique their interests. They love exchanging ideas and discussing various views and topics and thus make great talk show hosts, interviewers, researchers, and reporters.

However, Sags can be restless, take foolish or impractical risks, are outspoken and tactless at times; not good at managing money or finances, undisciplined, and waste a lot of energy.

Sagittarius corresponds to the Ninth House which corresponds to the Travel House which deals with travel, sports, study, and philosophy. Because of their distinguished hips and thighs, they make exceptional athletes, especially runners. This sign loves to travel and if you are a male with a Sagittarius female you had better have some saved up snaps ($) to take this gal around the world, and if not the world, then at least around town. This is a sign you can really have a lot of fun with. And like with all Fire signs (Aries, Leo), Sagittarius has a pretty strong or high sex drive.

Sagittarius is governed by the planet Jupiter which deals with luck, optimism, generosity, expansiveness, opportunity, and protection.

Sagittarians love to gamble (games of chance or luck), are optimistic in life, and are very opportunistic which corresponds with their "I See!" statement and energy.

Sagittarius is a Fire sign, masculine (active), and "mutable."

Next up is Capricorn (the Goat). Capricorn governs and rules the skin, bones, knees, skeletal system, and teeth.

Capricorns are prone to such diseases as joint disorders (tendonitis, rheumatism, arthritis), knee problems and injuries; bone and skeletal problems (osteoporosis, TMJ), frail bones; teeth problems (tooth decay, cavities, stained teeth, periodontal disease); and skin diseases named above in Gemini under blood disorders (which manifest as skin disorders).

The cell-salt for Capricorn is Calcium Phosphate.

Capricorn's statement is "I Use!" Capricorns are utilitarians and will use everything, including people. Capricorns, like all Earth signs are very practical, grounded, and down-to-earth. They are very patient, stable, and reliable; ambitious, persistent and persevering; diligent, hard-working, possess great business skills, savvy, and acumen; are good with finances and very conservative with money; display great concentration; are very loyal and trustworthy, charitable, and self-reliant.

Capricorn corresponds to the Tenth House which is the Business House which deals with business, career, social standing, success, and honor. Capricorns are great business people and have great business minds. They are very career-oriented. They are generally successful in life and are honorable people, mainly due to their philanthropy. They will pursue things that give them honor in life, i.e. positions, status, and college degrees.

Capricorn is governed by the planet Saturn which deals with pessimism, privation, obstacles, delay, hard work, research, and lasting reward after long struggle. Therefore, Capricorns can be highly pessimistic, negative and lugubrious especially if they perceive obstacles in their path.

Capricorn is an Earth sign, feminine (receptive), and "cardinal."

After Capricorn comes Aquarius (the Water Bearer). I like Aquarians very much. This is a great sign, at least to me. My best and truest friend and brother, Odis Wilson/Muhammad, is an Aquarius. We have been good friends ever since meeting in late 1993.

Aquarius governs or rules the legs (lower legs), ankles, and circulatory system. Aquarians are prone to such diseases as leg problems (Charlie horse, stiffness, broken leg, torn ligaments, pulled hamstring), sprained ankle, edema, Achilles tendon injury, high blood pressure, and poor circulation.

The cell-salt for Aquarius is Sodium Chloride.

Aquarius' statement is "I Know!" Aquarians are intrigued by knowledge including esoteric and metaphysical knowledge which makes them seekers of the occult and New Age philosophy. Aquarians love to learn so as to know. This is one of their greatest attributes!

Aquarians are honest and forthright; has high self standards, very reliable; tolerant, kind and considerate; helpful and always willing to help another person; is individualistic, solitude-seeking and withdrawn; independent, recalcitrant (in a civil fashion); freedom-loving and seeking; community-minded, humanitarian; service-oriented, giving, impartial, and gets along great with other people. Makes a very good and trusting friend!

However, Aquarius can be too much of a dreamer, unrealistic, impractical at times, very unconventional and eccentric; lose touch with reality, fanatical in their views, and can be very destructive and negative in their criticisms.

Aquarius corresponds to the Eleventh House which corresponds with the Friends House which deals with friendship, social life, hopes and wishes. Aquarius has a lot of friends, which is a bit oxymoronic as they love to be by themselves (loners) most of the time. They become very active and involved in social change for the good of society.

Aquarius is governed by dual planets, Saturn and Uranus. Saturn deals with pessimism, privation, obstacles, delay, hard work, research, and lasting reward after hard work. Uranus deals with fashion, electricity, revolution, independence, freedom, sudden changes, and modern science. Therefore, Aquarians are society's revolutionaries, iconoclasts, eccentrics, political agitators, and New Age guru seekers (students). The New Age (Millennium) of Aquarius is their age. The Saturn influence can also make Aquarius very pessimistic and also puts a lot of challenges in life before them.

Aquarius is an Air sign, masculine (active), and "fixed."

The last sign of the Zodiac is Pisces (the Fish); a sign I know all too well via my ex-wife, daughter, close maternal and maternal cousins, and a host of female friends. My second ace in the place, best friend in life, Forrest Patrick, is a Pisces.

Pisces governs or rules the feet, toes, lymphatic system, liver, and tone of being (physique).

Pisceans are prone to such diseases as edema, gout, swollen feet (especially in pregnancy), feet injuries; toe snubs and injuries; lowered immunity conditions (so-called common colds, chronic fatigue syndrome; viral infections); eclampsia (toxemia during pregnancy); liver complaints (listed above under Taurus), and addictions (i.e., alcoholism, drugs, sex, and gambling).

The cell-salt for Pisces is Phosphate of Iron.

Pisces' statement is "I Believe!" and thus Pisces are big believers and dreamers.

Pisceans are sympathetic, emotional, kind, loving and affectionate, considerate, imaginative, keenly intuitive, psychic, creative and artistic; talented, helping of others; broadminded, accepting of others; supportive, trustworthy, earnest, idealistic; loyal and faithful (especially in relationships), and good-natured.

However, Pisces can be very secretive (like Scorpio), deceptive, calculating; overly dramatical, tending to give up easily in matters; easily discouraged, become very depressed due to a gloom outlook on life, easily persuaded; very impressionable; indolent, withdrawn; gives little or no resistance when they should; easily gives in to temptation; jealous, and lacks willpower.

Pisces are true romanticists. They are dreamy-eyed people who continually fantasize and daydream. They are very spaced-out and "in a different world or zone" people. They are not academic, pedantic, or good thinkers (due to being more intuitive and emotional). You can always tell a Pisces by the eyes. Their eyes sparkle, especially the female fish.

Pisces corresponds to the Twelfth House which corresponds to the Trouble House which deals with troubles, illness, secret enemies, competition, and hidden agendas. Therefore, Pisces tends to always get into trouble, facing and battling illness and sickness, creating enemies, competing and battling with others, and engaged in hidden agendas usually for self-serving means. Pisces is always in the mix with someone.

Pisces is ruled by dual planets, Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter deals with luck, optimism, generosity, expansiveness, opportunities, and protection. Neptune deals with sensationalism, theatrics, dreams, inspiration, illusion, and deception. Therefore, Pisces loves games of chance, can be very optimistic individuals which makes them excellent sales people; are very generous; opportunistic (rarely have difficulty finding a job); very creative and talented and do well on stage singing, dancing, and/or acting (theater is definitely for them); and are easy to be inspired, deceied, or sold on something.

Pisces is a Water sign, feminine (receptive), and "mutable."

And there you have it, folks, astrological health, whether you believe it or not! recommended products pertaining to this subject include our 12 Astrological Formulas:
Aries Formula, Taurus Formula, Gemini Formula, Cancer Formula, Leo Formula, Virgo Formula,
Libra Formula, Scorpio Formula, Sagittarius Formula, Capricorn Formula, Aquarius Formula,
and Pisces Formula.

Good recommended reading include "Mental Science Manual" e-book, "Love Manual" e-book, and "The Money, Wealth, and Prosperity Manual - Vol. 1" e-book.

Also, consider having your astrological Natal Chart performed as well as Numerology Chart performed as they will give you additional information specific to who you are as an individual.

Peace, Love, Light, and Life!

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of www.Dherbs.Com and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra.

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Author's Bio: 

Djehuty Ma'at-Ra (pronounced "Ta-Hoo-Tee" "Ma-ayt-Ra") (born April 24, 1970 in Los Angeles, California) is an herbalist, metaphysician, writer, life guide coach and instructor, spiritual counselor, public speaker, thought minister, inspirational and motivational speaker, legal jurisperitus, and trans-crystal energy healer.

He is the founder and owner of, which he started in the Fall of 2003 in Glendale, California.