What Is The Attraction Marketing Formula?
The Attraction marketing formula can be by far the most rewarding method for growing a loyal following and creating lasting wealth. If you are struggling to grow your audience or are just beginning your journey, read this article to the end. You will discover how to implement these 5 steps to wealth using the attraction marketing formula as your business model.

What is Attraction Marketing

In order to understand the the 5 steps to wealth using the attraction marketing formula, we must first get an understanding of what is attraction marketing. If you look for a definition in the dictionary you will not find it by name as it is an industry term. As close as I have been able to find is that, it is a spin and continuation on what Wikipedia defines as AIDA which is an acronym for the following;
AIDA is an acronym used in marketing and advertising that describes a common list of events that may occur when a consumer engages with an advertisement.
A – attention (Awareness): attract the attention of the customer.
I – interest: raise customer interest by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits (instead of focusing on features, as in traditional advertising).
D – desire: convince customers that they want and desire the product or service and that it will satisfy their needs.
A – action: lead customers towards taking action and/or purchasing.
This definition is attraction marketing for the most part. With this understanding, let's explore these 5 steps to wealth using the attraction marketing formula in your business.

Attraction Marketing Formula Your 5 Steps To Wealth

1) Capture- Regardless what methods you employ as your marketing strategy, the first you must accomplish is to capture the attention of those most likely to be interested in what your offer is. In order to do this you must create some form of compelling headline to interrupt the the viewers, reader, listeners pattern. For example, people have a tendency to scan headlines to find what grabs their attention. By causing curiosity, you encourage the someone to click on your link, video, banner, whatever form you use to direct them to a lead capture form on a web page.

2) Collect- Once the viewer lands on your page, your goal is to collect some basic information in order for you to be able to communicate with them. To collect this information, you need to provide something in exchange for which the viewer has interest,like a free report or an eBook, even a free resource that they will find of value. Some marketers like to give free samples of their product or service. Whatever you decide is fine, the idea is to give something related to your business that will entice them to take the next step. That step is to give you. their information to opt in to your list or database.

3) Communicate - Now that you have attracted a prospect to your list, you want to stay in communication with them by providing relevant and informative content. For example, you sell organic steaks, you don not want to constantly be sending links or sales pitches for your steaks, rather you would want to provide good valuable information about raising organic beef. For instance, what are the different ways to prepare beef or recipes or things related to steaks. The main idea here is to provide as much information about your product or service so that over time your prospects begin to get to know, like and trust you. Of course you still want to provide offers for your prospects to obtain your goods, you just want to avoid being that marketer who's only out to sell something. When people know that you are a real person, that has interest in giving value about that which they are interested, they begin to trust you and at some point are more likely to take action. So as long as you continue to provide value, they will stick with you and continue to purchase from you.

4) Closing - The beautiful thing about the attraction marketing formula is that you will find less rejection and avoidance because you are constantly providing your prospects and customers with they want. By educating your following about what they want, they will remain attracted to you, they will click your links to your offers. Yes there is still a degree of follow up involved, this is a relationship business, however you already have their attention and interest and they are more receptive, after all they contacted you.

5) Customer Retention - The best way to maintain your audience and increase customer retention is simple, you want to make your audience feel so good that they want to be around you as much as possible. For this, they will support you so that you will be around. Because your customers now know like and trust you, they will be more inclined, because of reciprocity, to invite the people with whom they have influence to come your way as well.

By now you see, it is to your advantage to implement the attraction marketing formula as part of your business model. The feeling of knowing that people are attracted to you because of the value you bring to their lives is the most rewarding that I know. The law of attraction and the attraction marketing formula are real.The more you learn the principles, the more you will realize that you can have everything you want in life whether that is money, relationships or optimal health and I encourage you to explore them in detail. A good place to start is Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring which you can obtain by clicking the link below

===> https://briancharleslewis.com/magnetic

Hopefully you found this article to be of value and were inspired to learn more about the attraction marketing formula and mindset. Please feel free to comment and share with someone who might benefit.

Author's Bio: 

Brian Lewis



(316) 712-9579