The Canadian director James Cameron did it again. “Avatar ” the film broke the record of Titanic, raising so far, soon after its release, it earned over 2,100 million dollars. What is it that now resonates so strongly in the collective unconscious?

Avatars in a new world

Before continuing, Let me talk about the plot of the movie.The action takes place in Pandora (a satellite of the planet Polyphemus) in 2154. The place is inhabited by a humanoid type aliensna'vi race, with which humans are in conflict because one of their clans (the Onomaticaya) is based around a giant tree that covers a vast grain of highly prized mineral-the-unobtanium and that would the solution to the energy problems of our Earth. Jake Sully, a former soldier who was in a wheelchair, is selected to participate in the Avatar program; a project that carries scientific minds about GM bodies, so that communication with the natives becomes easier. But the scientific purpose of the project is a mere excuse, Colonel Quaritch, who heads human militarily Pandora, convinces Jake to provide first hand information, if necessary using force for Onomaticaya is okay. At first, Jake meets his mission, but he falls for a female na'vi, Neytiri, and realizes that they never give up home, making conflict inevitable.

You see, there is little new cash in this way. In fact, the movie Dances with Wolves, Pocahontas and The Last Samurai are structurally similar. A man of culturally "advanced" and inimical beauty falls for a local woman, changes sides (it goes to good), fight, win or lose and be an end of history.

But the artwork, if one really can mean something valid, has to be interpreted in many ways: sociologically, aesthetically, psychoanalytic, etc. The author José Antonio Delgado González analyzes the film through Jungian filter, showing the various archetypes that appear in the film: the twins, the anima and animus, the Self, the struggle between the door and senex ,etc. I will later addan astrological point of view for more information.

For starters, the concept of "avatar" refers in the context of Hinduism, an earthly incarnation of agod, particularly Vishnu. The word is also used to refer to embodiments of God or highly influential teachers of other religions. Who enroll in the New Age movement often called avatars figures as Christ, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Zoroaster, Ramakrishna, Sai Baba, Quetzalcoatl, Krishna, Mohammed and others. Always human beings are being invested with great spirituality and imbued with divine energy.

On the other hand, the Internet and other modern communication technologiesare called avatar to iconic representation, generally human, which is associated with user identification. Avatars can be photographs or drawings, and are also used in online games and role.

In the film, thanks to technology, the consciousness of a human being can move to another body, in this case a hybrid of human and na'vi. That body is a vehicle and almost artificial DNA is mixed with, it is specially prepared to live and breathe normally on Pandora. It is interesting that this Avatar has blue skin like many Hindu deities (Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu, etc.). What is new here is that our hero is not quite human; from the physical point of view it is a hybrid willing to further hybridize with the native race. (From the Indian point of view, an avatar would also be a hybrid or mestizo interdimensional, because here it would blend the spiritual and the material plane into a being of flesh, bone and psyche).

At the time evolutionary changes affecting our planet, thinking about mixin and hybridization is fundamental. We earthlings’ love stick to a particular race, religion, country, political party or a football club. The more we are identified with it, will seem more foreign to all we left out. So when the enemies are not the Hutu, will the Serbs, Muslims, Unitarians savages, infidels, Jews or the fans of Boca and Hurricane. It all depends, where I put (or put me) the conscious identification.

Then the next step is to realize that Argentines are not (or whatever) but we are deeply ground. What has been occurring with increasing intensity is the clash of cultures, nests, tribes, to awaken at some point a global consciousness. I think that is what the Age of Aquarius is. In that sense we can say that Avatar is a movie of Aquarian. Here our hero is totally identified with an alien race without losing his essential humanity.

It is a natural development that it goes slowly losing the identity of self (so that this is mine, mine), going to the socio-centric (God and Country), and reaches the worldcentric (UN, Doctors Without Borders, etc.) From here you feel one with all human beings; because you not only feel pity for the suffering of your neighbor or humanity but for all that lives and suffer(it leaves behind the narcissism, sexism, racism and even especismo1).

In astrology, these three stages would be represented by a magic prepersonal astrology (the planets as gods that make a predetermined destination and we have to fear or worship), a rational Astrology (control and use the information for personal gain) and transpersonal astrology (symbolizing and illuminating correspondence inside-out).

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