Here are some pointers about gender discrimination:

• Pay parity is the highest form of gender discrimination

• When it comes to selecting the leadership then the glass ceiling is not an illusion

• Discrimination varies with generation – baby boomers rank the highest and the trend decreases with gen X and Millennials

The last point sure comes out as a sunshine moment. The very concept of gender parity is doing rounds of corporate corridors for some while now. But a real upgrade in the status quo seems a distant reality.

There can be no two ways about the inclusion of diversity in corporate – gender diversity being one of them. However, diversity and parity are not synonyms. At least not in this case. When it comes to gender discriminations, companies have their policies bound to paper. There are companies who do not have a written policy. Shutting things out is not the solution. Implementation of policies in favor of parity is a slow process. However, the situation looks brighter with every passing generation.

The State of Workplace Gender Parity 2018 – A TopCHRO Report comes with a researched and detailed picture of workplace gender discrimination.

You can click the report here.

Author's Bio: 

She loves writing blogs and promoting websites related to education, fashion,shopping, travel, health, and technology sectors.