Spine health is a big concern for modern adults, especially for those who spend a significant portion of their day sitting down or doing strenuous labor. Keeping your back in good shape requires a combination of preventative care and reactive treatment. Back pain can originate from the spine itself or the surrounding nerve and muscle tissue, so a medical investigation and diagnosis is often required to identify specific issues.

Practice Good Posture

Many kids are reminded to “sit up straight” or “stop slouching” hundreds of times during their youth, and some take it to heart. The effects of poor posture become more apparent in adulthood and can have devastating consequences. Posture is linked to the alignment of vertebrae, so maintaining it is fundamental for good spinal health. There are plenty of exercises and other ways to practice good posture on a daily basis.

Sleeping Habits

Getting a full night’s sleep is crucial to your overall health, but how you sleep is also very relevant when it comes to your spine. Ergonomic mattresses can provide extra support for those struggling with chronic back pain or problems with spinal alignment. Your doctor may also recommend changing the position you sleep in to encourage healing of strained muscles or ligaments.

Seek Regenerative Therapy

Many common spinal conditions are degenerative in nature, which means that they tend to get worse over time. For example, loss of cartilage between vertebrae causes more strain to be placed on the remaining tissue, leading to even faster loss. Until recently, these conditions were seen as chronic and could only be managed or mitigated. However, modern clinics like Hiler Chiropratic & Neurology now offer various regenerative therapies that focus on replenishing lost tissue.

Other Treatment Options

The worst thing you can do for a back condition is procrastinate. Promptly seeking medical attention or therapy for spinal problems is the best way to manage them. Most serious issues don’t go away on their own and can cause other health concerns if left unchecked. Individuals with spinal disorders should talk to their medical specialist about appropriate treatment options according to their situation.

Keeping your spine straight and strong isn’t necessarily an easy task, but these habits can be worked into daily life with relative ease. A good back is the cornerstone for bodily health and is necessary for almost any kind of physical activity. Don’t hesitate to seek medical advice from a qualified professional for managing discomfort or other spinal issues.

Author's Bio: 

Emma is a freelance writer based out of Boston, MA. She writes most often on health and education. When not writing, she enjoys reading and watching film noir. Say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2