A common problem that everyone faces is feeling like their life is spinning out of control. This is usually a result of not living in congruency to what matters most to us. Most of the culprit is the challenge of balancing your work and personal life. I visualize a car heading in a direction and then finding that one of its wheels is losing air. Life coaching is all about airing up all the tires. The quick fix on getting back on track is to do some internal investigation into where the source of the leak lies. There are many tools out there, but the one of the favorites in coaching is the wheel of life. In coaching, the wheel of life is used to divide our life into major areas that when looked at holistically constitute what could make us feel like a whole balanced person.

Generally, when someone feels out of control, what they are saying is that they feel unbalanced and something important is missing in their life, some section(s) of their wheel is flat and making them spin funny. Let’s take a look at how we could use the wheel of life to diagnose where you are out of balance. Here are 5 simple steps to help you diagnose where you are leaking air out of your time:

1. Draw your wheel: Identify all the key areas in your life that are important to you. Draw a circle (see diagram) and create a pie chart with all of your key areas. See the sample below that includes key areas such as personal growth, fun, etc. Each person will have their own number of slices and labels on their circle. Mark where you are on a scale to 1-10 on satisfaction with each area.

2. Pick one area: Pick the one area of your life where you are really unsatisfied and that if you would make a change it would have the most impact in your life. For example, let’s say that we pick “family and friends”.

3. Personal inquiry: Ask yourself what things you could do to substantially improve the one area you picked. In our current example, we’d ask what one thing could you do that would improve the “family” area? Let’s say one of the things you really want is to spend more quality time with her kids.

Visit www.newskyradio.com for more simple steps to help you diagnose where you are leaking air out of your time from CJ Liu.

CJ’s Website: www.fireitupwithcj.com
CJ’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/fireitupwithcj

Fire it Up With CJ is on CBS The Sky every Wednesday from 1-2PST / 4-5Est on www.newskyradio.com

Author's Bio: 

How can you live your busy life and still be spiritual? Get tips that work from provocative trailblazers in relationships, work, the environment, and more.

From managing stress in our hectic lives to pondering our life mission, Fire It UP with CJ takes listeners on an interactive adventure to examine the challenges of living modern life through a spiritual lens.

In each episode, CJ Liu, a spiritual seeker, showcases ideas from today’s most provocative trailblazers in the fields of spirituality, the environment, work, and relationships. Her fast-paced, humorous and frequently moving show expands consciousness while staying grounded to daily realities. She helps her listeners embrace life’s fun, faith, and possibilities.

Tune in to the all-new episodes of Fire it UP with CJ Wednesday at 4PM, ET on www.NewSkyRadio.com