If “Welcoming Change” is a theme you would love to integrate in your life you might be asking yourself, “How do I get there?”

In the previous posts I’ve talked about how changing your thinking may change many other dynamics in your life. But, what about if YOU were the change?

What would that actually look like, and what would happen in your life?

Many clients I work with are initially looking to change the parts of their lives that aren’t working well for them. If they had a different career path, they would feel happier. If their partner would make some changes, then they would feel better. If they only had more money, then their life would become easier. If they lived in a different state, changed their apartment or home, had their relatives living closer or further away, had warmer or colder weather, lived in the mountains or by the ocean….THEN their lives would improve for the better.

But eventually after working with some of the techniques I recommend, they find that if they were to be the change then all of the rest of the variables I’ve just listed above really wouldn’t matter! If they acquired inner peace, gratitude, acceptance and love for themselves, all else would flow and change with this no matter where or what they were doing in their life.

Find Joy!
This is really the key! To “be the change,” you must accept and adapt to any situation or relationship with a loving attitude – for what the universe has plopped down in life to grow and learn from is a blessing. As you develop the keys to continue to be at peace and find joy no matter your environment, you will find your circle of people, places, and things begin to be in sync with where you are!

It feels magical and wonderful when that occurs! When at this peaceful, accepting, and loving place all of a sudden my clients find difficult people are moving out of their life and wonderful souls moving into it! They find new opportunities opening up at work or new vistas presenting themselves as if by magic. But it is not magic. It is truly by your own design, created by YOU for YOU!

Try it…be the change!

Author's Bio: 

As a marriage and family therapist for 25 years, I have discovered the path to healing is unique to each person. My role is to facilitate each client’s signature path. I will teach you to reframe, redefine and look at your problems with a fresh perspective. Thought creates behavior. Solutions will emerge that you were unable to see before. I provide counseling and the tools that lead you away from the path of distress, pain, and despair, and I guide you toward peace, contentment and fulfillment of your life’s purpose.

I have great respect and admiration for those who decide to follow the path of healing. Some clients have been holding onto their secrets and negative self-talk for as long as 50 years. They study my face as they recount their stories, or if we are consulting on the phone, they listen carefully to every word I speak. Once we get past self-imposed barriers, the path to healing is easier to access.

My pledge to you is that I will listen respectfully and without judgment to whatever you decide needs to be said aloud. As you stand with your foot poised, uncertain if you are ready to step into this path of healing, consider that it is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Healing will be set in motion once you take the first step. I am a huge believer in synchronicity. We will meet when the time is right.