As the new years is upon us, many people are considering new careers and one of the hottest trends right now is becoming a yoga teacher and taking a yoga certification program in Los Angeles. Why is LA the place to learn to teach yoga? Because it has become one of the biggest venues for some of the most profound teachers and studios. People such as Shiva Rea, Stephen Earth, Bryan Kest, and many other infamous teachers have made Los Angeles their home and because of this, many students from all over the world are now flocking to study yoga with them.

With health being the number one goal for most people in the new years, yoga is sure to be at the top of the list for many individuals seeking a new lifestyle alternative. This practice is no longer just a trend as it has become the "norm," which makes it a great opportunity as well for those people looking for a career change. Because yoga has proven to be so beneficial and not as redundant as going to the gym and hitting weights, many people are now finding comfort and enjoyment through their yoga practice.

But if you are seriously interested in making that career change and taking a yoga teacher training, then Los Angeles is the place to be. Their is a specific community in Santa Monica where almost everyone not only practice yoga regularly, but truly lives the lifestyle to the fullest. Eastern culture has found new roots in LA which makes it the ideal location (other then going to India which can be much more expensive) to study yoga training.

Another great benefit to taking your yoga certification in Los Angeles is that you will be immersed in a community of people who can help you launch your career. Unlike smaller towns and communities where teaching yoga and running a studio might be a bit newer, in LA people have been doing this for over twenty years so they understand all the ins and outs of running this type of business. By networking in this area, it can make it much easier for you to build your teaching business.

If you are interested in learning more about this, there is a new Los Angeles yoga teacher training resource guide for students interested in researching this further.

Author's Bio: 

The Yogi Coach has been studying yoga for over fifteen years and took his Hatha yoga teacher training five years ago in Los Angeles. He currently works with many new teachers helping them build their careers.