Walking with Purpose?

The way you walk says a lot about you—how you’re feeling, how approachable you are and what kind of attitude you have. Next time you’re waiting for someone or in a food court over lunch hour, look at the people going by. See if you can guess how they’re feeling by the way they walk. Then, ask a friend or trusted colleague to assess the messages your walk is sending. Are you confident and are you walking with purpose?

How’s your handshake?

A sales person I recently met said that women often apply too much hand lotion or don’t rub it in properly so their hands feel greasy. He finds it just as unappealing as shaking hands with someone who has sweaty palms or a limp handshake. He makes a good point. The person you’re meeting doesn’t necessarily know that you’ve just applied hand lotion, so the impression you’re giving is that your hands might be dirty. Definitely not the sort of impression you want to leave.

Dealing with Salt Stains

In winter, it’s impossible to avoid salt stains on your shoes, boots and even your clothing. They’re very easy to remove. Let your shoes or boots dry completely. Put a little bit of white vinegar on a paper towel and wipe over the salt stain. Let dry. Repeat if needed. Then, polish your shoes or boots. Do this regularly and your footwear will last a lot longer.

Salt stains on clothing? Let dry and brush with a stiff bristle brush. If the stains are really stubborn, take to the dry cleaners right away.

What you say can date you

A client asked me about pantsuits. I was shocked—not that she asked but that she said “pantsuit”. That word goes back to the ‘70’s and immediately revealed her age. What are you saying that can quickly date you? You’re constantly updating your computer skills, but are you updating your vocabulary? So how do you do that? Listen. What are the current phrases used by Gen X and Gen Y (the f word excluded)? Start incorporating those words into your speech and not only will you sound younger, you’ll be able to connect better with those generations.

Organizing your Accessories

My US colleague Brenda Kinsel always has the greatest ideas. Her latest is for bangles and bracelets. She stacks them on a paper towel holder which she bought at a garage sale. No more rummaging through drawers, boxes and bags. They are out in the open and ready to add punch to any outfit.

Etiquette for the 21st Century

When you say you provide etiquette advice, most people think you show them how to balance a cup and saucer or tell them not to lick a knife. But etiquette is so much more. As Peter Post, great grandson of Emily, says, “Etiquette is the fuel that powers relationships.” And everything we do is based on relationships. We can lead by example and educate the people we work with to communicate positively and respectfully. Treating people with consideration, respect and honesty will help you build and maintain lasting relationships. To learn more about Peter Post and the Emily Post Institute go to www.emilypost.com

Author's Bio: 

Certified Image Consultant Anne Sowden, AICI CIP, helps people define the perfect image to reflect their authenticity in body and spirit. By assessing their wardrobes, taking them shopping, helping with verbal and nonverbal communication or reviewing business and social etiquette, Anne helps clients build confidence and discover their true identity.

Before launching Here’s Looking at You, Anne gained extensive national and international marketing and communications experience in both public and private sectors. She then combined her business expertise with image consulting and training in adult learning.

Anne is a Certified Professional Member of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) and a past president of the Canada/Toronto Chapter. She received her image consulting training from Toronto's George Brown College, The International Image Institute and Body Beautiful Institute, and earned a certificate in instructing adults from George Brown.

A recognized image consulting expert, Anne is often quoted in the media, including Fortune Magazine, BBC World Service, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, The Toronto Star, CFTO-TV, CITY-TV, Newstalk CFRB 1010 and CTS TV.

Project your personal and professional best every day. Please contact Anne for additional information.