Period properties need constant maintenance and upkeep, but it's all worth it. They have so much charm and character that modern new builds simply can't match. Ask most people what their idea of their dream property is and chances are it's an older style home that oozes individuality and has a timeless classic feel.

When it comes to building and renovation work, home owners need to choose workmen with the right skills and experience to do a great job. Many older properties have wooden sash windows. These beautiful windows make up a major part of the appeal and attraction of owning an older home. Over time the wood will rot and the condition of the windows will deteriorate. Ultimately they will need to be replaced.

Putting in new box sash windows is a tricky job that requires the services of a skilled professional. The team at Kellys Sash Windows appreciate just what it takes to get the job done properly. What's more they can supply wooden sash windows that blend seamlessly with the look of a traditional property, but bring modern benefits like cutting draughts.

They work across London and the Thames Valley area. Thousands of happy customers will testify just what a great job they do. With each job they take their time to fit box sash windows to the exacting standards that are required to get the job done properly.

Fitting new windows doesn't have to mean altering the look and feel of a home. Kellys bring together a traditional look, a commitment to high standards of work and high quality windows to offer customers the complete service that they need.

Finding out more and getting a quote is easy. Just give the team a call and they'll be only too happy to provide customers with the information and answers that they require.

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