Of course, I never thought I’d run into Tom again, several months later, at a sports event. At that time, I was with a girlfriend when Tom came over, smiling. He was charming and ask how I was doing. Tom had taken a position as a manager-in-training for a fast food restaurant. He never mentioned anything about having a girlfriend, especially one that was pregnant with his child. Tom had kept that from me and I probably would never have known if he hadn’t parked near my car. I guess he felt my presence, since he looked in my direction before putting the key into the car door. Even at a distance, I saw the look of shock on his face and I’m sure he saw mine, since it was obvious there was a pregnant girl with him. I was hurt, very hurt! I couldn’t believe he had flirted with me, as if nothing had really changed between us! In my heart I knew there was something seriously wrong with Tom, but I certainly didn’t expect what happened next!

After I made it back to my dorm, Tom called me. He wanted me to know he had been fooling around, months before our break-up. If he had wanted to hurt me more, he had succeeded! Yet, that wasn’t enough for Tom. He actually blamed me for getting this girl, who had been his flirtatious co-worker, pregnant with his child. As it turned out, Tom had never fooled around when we were dating and that he had intimacy with his co-worker, only after we’d broke up. Yes, indeed, Tom had a temper to match his selfish streak, since he had never gotten over our break up. Tom was determined to make my life a living hell, after the incident at the sporting event.

Of course, one’s love life can certainly cause stress, but more so, worrying about our planet is much worse! It took one billion years for our Earth to develop into a living planet and…now…the threat of climate change can destroy it in the blink of an eye. For those with inquiring minds and want to know how life developed on Earth, check out this e-book:

Tom began to constantly leave voice and text messages. When I blocked him, he had access to other cell phones to keep it up. There were times when he would leave strange gifts under my car, like dried up flowers and a cracked CD) no matter where my car was parked. It was obvious that Tom was stalking me. I started carrying pepper spray and had it with me at all times. My stress leveled was extremely high, since I was constantly ill. I was lucky to finish out my academic year and graduate.

Tom’s stalking stopped after his girlfriend had the baby and soon after, she got pregnant again. Well, I guess poor Tom had too much on his plate to chew and swallow. Having children brings responsibility, and Tom had no choice but to grow up! As for me, I avoid dating for a very long time and only went on group dates. More to come…

Author's Bio: 

Kelley is the author of her story about living with a disability and the challenges that came with it.