Individuals are often advised to perform certain activities to foster their memory improvement. The best results are noticed in most students, who carry out some activities to help improve a person's memory such as through writing and reading. One proof that writing facilitates individuals to improve their recall can be represented by the lists. The lists help people to be systematic and organized and also to remember things faster. A way to learn faster by doing activities like that to help improve one’s recollection is to write down the ideas that should be memorized. The items are observed for a few seconds and erased as soon as they’ve been recalled to mind.

In addition, reading information repeatedly would cause the memorization to be quicker. Reading aloud would also improve even more the speed of memorization. Another very effective activity widely and highly recommended for helping improve our memory is through sports. By performing certain sports, not only people could boost and maximize their energy, improve the quality of their overall health and well being, change their mood, but also mainly for the circulation of our blood. There are also certain sports out there that help and assist people to improve or enhance their reaction times, a fact which also leads to an improvement or development of one’s memory.

Moreover, most people could help improve their memory by doing and performing difficult sports that have complicated rules. Recalling or memorizing all those rules and also respecting them while playing, would help people to develop and enhance their memory. Dancing is also one of the activities considered to help improve one’s recall. As well as singing, dancing is able to improve the mood considerably. This connection and association is due to numerous reasons. The energy is increased and heightened. This fact which leads to a decrease of depression and stress levels. Dancing requires further synchronization which is also an important and significant factor.

In dancing, recalling the most complex moves would lead to an improvement in memory. Most of the songs are quite complex and needs more mental processes in order to be memorized. That’s why singing is also one of the many activities to help improve our memory. However, once they are kept and stored in our minds, they could be easily recalled anytime. This is determined by the fact that the memory or recall for singing does not deteriorate. Additionally, singing also increases the energy and determines the changes in the mood of the person. This fact leads to a considerable and significant reduction of the depression and stress levels a person may encounter.

As it is widely known, depression represents the most frequent and most common cause of the loss of ones memory. As time goes by, individuals who are afflicted and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and thus, from a severe memory loss could no longer carry a conversation. However, they could still enjoy music and singing, as the division of our brain responsible with music is not the same as the one responsible with our speech functions.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this “Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You” is available at