The weight gain, the bloating, the nausea... ahhh, the joys of pregnancy. Once the baby is born new mothers will say the aches and pains of pregnancy were a small price to pay for the beautiful bouncing baby that has come into their life, but wouldn’t it be even better if you could get through the 9 months of pregnancy in relative comfort?

The average pregnancy produces a weight gain of 25 to 35 pounds. This, combined with the increased stress placed on the body by the baby, can sometimes result in severe discomfort. In fact, studies have found that about half of all expectant mothers will develop low back pain at some point during their pregnancy. This is especially true during late pregnancy, when the baby's head presses down on a woman's back, legs and buttocks, putting pressure on her sciatic nerve. And for those who already suffer from low back pain, the problem can become even worse.

What Can A Chiropractor Do?

Most new mothers aren’t aware of how much chiropractic care can help during their pregnancy. Even before you get pregnant it can be helpful to visit your chiropractor to detect any pre-existing imbalances in the pelvis or elsewhere in your body that could make pregnancy discomfort even worse - or leave you with additional neuro-musculoskeletal problems after childbirth.

Many pregnant women have found that chiropractic adjustments provide relief from the increased low back pain brought on by pregnancy. Scientific studies have found that spinal manipulation carries no increased risk to the pregnant woman or her baby. Chiropractic's non-drug, non-surgical approach to back pain can be especially attractive to pregnant women who are trying to avoid over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Doctors of chiropractic can also offer nutrition, ergonomic and exercise advice that will help you avoid the discomforts of pregnancy.

What Can You Do?

o Safe exercise during pregnancy can help strengthen your muscles and prevent discomfort. Try exercising at least three times a week. Each routine should be preceded and followed up by a gentle stretching routine. If you weren't active before your pregnancy, however, now is not the time to start a new fitness routine. Check with your doctor before starting or continuing any exercise regimen during pregnancy.

o Wear flat, sensible shoes. Not only can high or chunky heels be uncomfortable, they can also exacerbate postural imbalances and cause you to be less steady on your feet than you already are. This is especially true as you get farther along in your pregnancy.

o When picking up older children - or any other object for that matter - bend from the knees, not the waist. And never turn your head when you lift. Just to be on the safe side, avoid picking up heavy objects altogether, if possible.

o When sleeping, lie on your side with a pillow between your knees to take pressure off your lower back. Many women find that full-length "body pillows" or "pregnancy wedges" are especially helpful during pregnancy. Lying on your left side is ideal. This position allows unobstructed blood flow, and helps your kidneys flush waste from your body.

o If you have a job that requires you to sit at a computer for long hours, be sure your workstation is ergonomically correct. Position the computer monitor so the top of the screen is at or below your eye level, and place your feet on a small footrest to take pressure off your legs and feet. Also, take periodic breaks every 30 minutes by taking a quick walk around the office.

o Get plenty of rest. Don't let the demands of work and family life put you and your baby at risk. Pamper yourself, and ask for help if you need it. Take a nap if you're tired, or lie down and elevate your feet for a few moments when you need a break.

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Author's Bio: 

Dr. Ali Rafie is a board certified Chicago chiropractic physician and the owner of several multidisciplinary medical offices throughout the Windy City. Dr. Rafie is motivated by a deep commitment to helping people and considers it a priority to serve his community, which is why he regularly publishes articles covering a broad range of wellness topics.