A flower girl is a young girl, usually a relative or family friend of the bride or groom. She walks behind the bride's maid, or about the maid the maid of honor, carrying a basket of flower petals and spread along the corridor. As the wedding procession reaches the altar, she can still choose to stay behind the bride and groom, or take a seat near the front of the audience.

In choosing a flower girl, one must be considered such factors as your age and dress. Generally, a flower girl must be between the ages of 4 to 8 years, or even a little older. Younger girls may be too nervous and overwhelmed, while older girls may feel slighted, preferring instead to be chosen as bridesmaids. It is recommended that the flower girls seem to be well dressed and exudes confidence and enthusiasm!

Traditionally, clothes flower girl was paid and provided by relatives of the bride and groom. This trend has changed, and are the parents of the girl with the flowers that are expected to pay for her dress, but not just the feet as the cost of the activities involved in their participation in the wedding ceremony.

In order to prepare a flower girl to play his part, could do a trial of their behavior, so get used to the ways and steps to be taken during the wedding ceremony. You can even serve well to buy a book on the subject talks about the role to be played at the wedding. As the pre-wedding practices can help build confidence in the flower girl and make her feel important and excited! Generally, after preparation it is best to let a child of his natural flowers. This could add a touch of charm and cuteness to the atmosphere of the wedding!

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