The research firm Koch uncovered some startling statistics in the end of the 1980’s. Over 70 million office visits to physicians were for chronic pain complaints. By 1994, approximately one-fifth of the adult population experienced chronic pain in the US. The research firm Marketdata Enterprises estimated that 4.9 million people would be suffering from chronic pain symptoms. These statistics leads us to believe that chronic pain is still at epidemic proportions.

Neighborhood treatment -
Millions of people seek relief each year from their local chronic pain management specialists. A local chiropractor from Maryland can successfully assist you with pain management. Annapolis chiropractic offices offer chronic pain management solutions as a natural alternative for meeting the needs of Maryland sufferers.

The advantages of using a local office are many; convenience and familiarity comes to mind along with ease of access. Annapolis chiropractic offices offer their patients frequent scheduled visits, at convenient times, and at lower cost than other clinicians do.

Natural alternatives -
Acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, naturopathic remedies and osteopathy are viable pain management alternatives. Chiropractic offers a holistic approach to handling pain. The procedures get at the root cause of the problem. Effective chronic pain management as practiced by chiropractors is just as efficient for the jock who suffers from a sports injury or a grandmother who deals with sciatica.

The problem with the conventional medical model is their willingness to dispense drugs to take care of the symptoms. They will offer a variety of medications and neglect the core problem all together. The drugs may dull the pain but offer its own challenges depending on your prescription. Ask your health care provider about the various natural strategies available to you.

Your unique physiology -
You deserve personalized care because your body is one of a kind. Your local chiropractor may have a complement of services available for your requirements; this usually includes massage therapy, exercise, traction, nutrition, acupuncture and other disciplines. They will design a program just for your special needs.

The shift toward natural alternatives -
Another issue that comes up often in pain management cases is an incomplete drug trial period. Depending on the health issue, painkillers may drive the real problem deep, cover it up and make it difficult for natural remedies to work in a timely fashion for the patient. People become impatient when they are ill and can sabotage their own treatments by stopping medications early because of side effects.

In some instances, patients usually seek a chiropractor because more drugs are required to obtain normalcy. Drugs such as codeine and diazepam can be habit forming and dangerous if misused. Conventional medicine is starting to understand the subtle relationship between neurological signals and recovery; medical doctors are recommending chiropractors more than ever for natural pain management.

Annapolis chiropractic offices offer natural alternatives that ensure your body's integrity while helping the biological advancement of healing. You may want to get a second opinion if drugs are the only solution offered by your health practitioner. There are usually a number of natural health practitioners in most cities across Maryland.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Tom Chaney is a chiropractor from Annapolis Maryland. To Find out more about chiropractic, click here to visit our site