Last week, during one of my complimentary 30-Minute Business Breakthrough Strategy Sessions, a potential client asked: “What is the difference between a customer and a client?”

I told her that some people say there is not much difference, while others say it depends on the industry as to whether the term "customer" or the term "client" is used for business patrons. However, the difference between a customer and a client can best be seen in terms of an ongoing business relationship. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the words "customer" and "client" can both be defined as "one who buys goods or services." However, did you know that the dictionary lists only one definition for customer, but lists five other definitions for client.

A client is defined as "the party for which professional services are rendered”, as by an attorney for example and as "one that depends on the protection of another." The main difference between a customer and a client is that a protective, ongoing business relationship is formed with a client, but not necessarily with a customer.

Most people do not realize there is a difference between a client and a customer. Most of the time they use the terms interchangeably without giving much thought. If you are involved in any type of business, it is important to know the difference so you don't offend anyone.

Calling your client a customer actually could alienate him/her from your business. The main difference between the two is that a client is someone who is under the protection of another. A customer is someone who purchases goods or services. Typically, a business relationship is formed with clients, which is not necessarily true with customers.

When you understand the difference between a client and a customer, you can affect the way that you do business. Remember, clients tend to be people who seek advice and most business owners tend to pay more attention to customers than they do clients. This is a short-term immediate revenue generating tactic, but may not represent the most effective long-term wealth building strategy.

If you still aren't sure of the difference between the two, consider the example of a lawyer and his/her clients. Although the individual is paying a lawyer for services, the individual should not be considered a customer: they are seeking advice and are under the lawyer's protection. This is a good way to remember the difference between a customer and a client.

If a business owner does not know the difference between his/her clients and customers, then there is more of a chance his/her customers will go elsewhere for services. If you cherish clients the way they should be cherished, your clients will have no reason to get the same service from your competitors.

As a final note, remember by treating all who seek your services as a client is a short-sided approach? Treating all who seek your products services as a client is a more effective long-term business and wealth-building strategy.

Dr. Laureen Wishom
Million Dollar Solutionist™
Positioning and Business Growth Expert
Certified Money Breakthrough Method Solutionist™

© 2010 Dr. Laureen – all rights reserved

Author's Bio: 

As an award-winning Positioning and Business Growth Expert and Certified Money Breakthrough Solutionist, Dr. Laureen Wishom is hailed as the “Million Dollar Solutionist"™. She is the Founder and CEO of the Global Association of High-Achieving-Women and Masterpiece Solutions LLC. She is a successful speaker, author and the creator of signature program: Marketing to the Affluent™ 7.5 Strategies for Finding, Attracting, Servicing and Leveraging High-End Clients. She specializes in providing masterful solutions that produce powerful results for high-achieving women entrepreneurs, executives, and non-profit leaders who want to: 1) brand their brilliance; 2) form strategic alliances, partnerships and collaborations; 3) generate multiple streams of revenue; 4) build high-end relationships and 5) market to the affluent™. For free tips and new ideas for career and business growth, visit her blog at Obtain a copy of 10.5 Strategies for Achieving Success and Greatness - visit