Cloud computing is a general term for the delivery of hosted services over the internet. The availability of high-capacity networks, low-cost computers, storage devices as well as the widespread adoption of hardware virtualization along with service-oriented architecture has led to growth in cloud computing. Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of computing power, database storage, applications, and other IT resources through a cloud services platform via the internet with “pay-as-you-go pricing”.

The Basics

Running applications that share photos to millions of mobile users or supporting the critical operations of your business, a cloud services platform provides rapid access to flexible and low cost IT resources. With cloud computing, you don’t need to make large upfront investments in hardware and spend a lot of time on the heavy lifting of managing that hardware. Instead, you get the provision of exactly the right type and size of computing resources that you require to operate your IT department’s data storage. Most importantly, you can access as many resources as you need with quick access and only pay for the services that you have utilized.

Cloud computing has three main types that are commonly referred to as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Selecting the right type of cloud computing for your needs can help you strike the right balance of control and the avoidance of undifferentiated heavy lifting

Distinct Models of Cloud Computing

Three distinct models of cloud computing services are as follows: private, public or hybrid.

Private cloud services are delivered from a business’s data center to internal users. This model offers the versatility and convenience of the cloud while preserving the management, control, and security to local data centers. Internal users may or may not be billed for services through IT chargeback.

Public cloud services are usually a third-party cloud service provider. It delivers the cloud service over the internet. Public cloud services are sold on demand, typically by the minute or hour, though long-term commitments are available for many services. Customers only pay for the CPU cycles, storage or bandwidth they consume.

Hybrid cloud service is a combination of public cloud services and an on-premises private cloud, with orchestration and automation between the two. Companies can run mission-critical workloads or sensitive applications on the private cloud and use the public cloud to handle workload bursts or spikes in demand. The goal of a hybrid cloud is to create a unified, automated and scalable environment.
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