Learning to live with compassion and becoming aware of it’s powerful potential can be the ultimate and most meaningful element in the process of spiritual awakening. The choice to live with compassion for ourselves and others reflects the deepest kind of emotional maturity available. It is through compassion we can tap into the most real and authentic experiences with regard to self-fulfillment, personal discovery, and soul awareness.

Choosing compassion symbolizes our understanding that everything is connected and it exemplifies our awareness of the interdependence of all people and all things. The principle of compassion is the common denominator behind all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, and it calls upon us to treat others as we want to be treated.

When we actively restore the element of compassion in our lives, our spirits have the opportunity to rejoice in the beauty of connection, love, and fulfillment. When we choose to actively encourage a positive appreciation of cultural and religious diversity and choose to cultivate an informed sense of empathy with the suffering of all human beings, healing begins and peace is known.

We can choose to utilize the power of compassion as a clear, luminous and dynamic force that unites our polarized world. We can choose to transcend patterns of judgment and self-righteousness and break down political, dogmatic, ideological and religious boundaries and walls that prevent us from experiencing the peace that is our birthright. The emotion of compassion is essential to heart-centered human relationships and to an inter-connected human race. It is one of the keys to the path of awakening and enlightenment, and it’s an absolute necessity in the creation of a peaceful global community, and a peaceful, loving existence.

As we embrace the power of compassion and empathy, we put the “golden rule” into action and see how the simplicity behind it can have a profound effect on our daily experiences and reveal phenomenal rewards with regard to authentic success and inner peace. We can actively make a difference in our own personal lives by choosing to be gentle and compassionate with ourselves. That simple shift in perspective and behavior sets into motion a beautiful ripple effect that serves to impact more lives that we can possibly imagine.

We are far more powerful than we realize, and the decision we make to apply the power of compassion in our lives RIGHT NOW has the potential for being one of the most influential decisions of our existence. We are spiritual beings first and foremost and when we re-member that truth and utilize the power we have to create a loving world, we will have tapped into one of our primary purposes for being alive.

Wishing you a day filled with love, compassion, and peace.

Author's Bio: 

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Dear Phenomenal Future Client,

Working with me as your coach is unique. I say this because I've been in this industry for over 17 years. I combine my educational and professional background in counseling psychology, my energy medicine and wellness/fitness background with my life and business coaching certification and skills, my broadcasting skills as the host of the "Create Change Now" Radio Show, and blend that with my history as a best selling personal development author and my spiritual awareness and deep intuitive skills (heightened after my neath death experience 15 years ago) to help you shift from limitation to expansion in every area of your life. I love watching my clients as they thrive and flourish in ways they never even imagined. My approach as a life and business coach is a HOLISTIC (BODY, MIND, SPIRIT) one. This provides the balance and awareness I feel is essential to creating lasting fulfillment and success that flows from the inside-out. Your expansion awaits!

Credentials: Bachelor of Arts Degree: Psychology/Sociology, Masters in Counseling Psychology, Certified Life Coach, Certified Spiritual Coach, Certified Business Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Human Physiology and Exercise Science Expertise, Certified Personal Trainer with ACE. Certified/Attuned to Reiki I and II, Metaphysics, Certified in Hypnotherapy, International Mentor, Award-Winning Author of 5 books, including the Best-Seller: Create Change Now, Broadcaster/Host of Create Change Now Radio Show

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