Creating Wealth and Abundance – Now
Instead of living with fear and worries – change your thoughts now, because Thoughts Become Things!
You use The Law of Attraction all the time, as the Universal Laws work always, whether we are aware of it or not. So why not use them and change your life? You need to leave your comfort zone and embrace something new. Changing your life can start at any moment as it depends on your thoughts and beliefs. Learn how to use all 11 Laws of the Universe.

You have to deal with you non-conscious brain and your clutter of thought and beliefs which you have stored in the shelves since you started to think. Up to the age of 6 years you adopted thoughts and beliefs of your parents and all the other people around you. Many limiting beliefs are not created by you but you live according to them.
First you need to find out your limiting thoughts like
- I am not worth to earn more money
- I cannot do it
- I never find the dream man/woman of my life
- Money doesn´t grow on trees
- To earn money you have to work hard
There are techniques like the Sedona Methode or EFT which help you to eliminate old beliefs which are just obstacles in your way to success.
The most powerful tool of the 11 Forgotten Laws is the Law of Gratitude. Be grateful for whatever comes your way:
- For the day which lies ahead of you when you wake up
- The traffic lights turn green when you reach them
- Things which develop out as you want
- you meet the right people
- you get the letter/ email you were waiting for
- the food you are enjoying
- etc.
Being grateful for things that exist and happen to you, will attract more of the energy you are grateful for. And you are in a different energy which makes it easier to use the Law of Attraction. The 11 Forgotten Laws will help you to use them in your favor.
It is not just thinking positive. You have to change your thought patterns and beliefs and exchange them with new thought patterns. This is work and a wonderful journey on the universal bumpy bus ride to reach the life you dream of. Join in and enjoy your self-development journey. If you start the journey and never quit to will reach whatever goal you set for yourself. You will be amazed what you can do and how well it all can work for you too.
Share your ideas and help others feel the power of success and wealth in life with this great new way of living. These techniques are amazing and will help you to be the person that you know you can be.
Be ready for changes in your life with every situation when you are able to use the Law of Attraction to bring Wealth and Abundance in your life

Author's Bio: 

Angela is a life coach and settled a few months ago in Munich, Germany
Her coaches are John Assaraf, Bob Proctor and the Master Gathering of Harrison Klein.
Her goal was to translate all the wonderful and inspiring information into German as not all books are translated yet.