… and do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live …
—Ephesians 4:30 (nlt)

The topic of health and the environment of our bodies gets big press today and rightfully so because our bodies are the temples of... the Holy Spirit. God is delighted when our bodies are a living sacrifice to him (Romans 12:1, kjv). The same principle applies when the contents of our homes represent a living sacrifce to him too.

Serving God does not exempt us from the responsibility of cultivating order in our
homes. And servanthood in our home environment is one way we express our worship to him.

Some time ago my husband subscribed to a men’s health magazine because he was intrigued by the health and exercise information, and he also appealed to the great insight it had for suitable men’s attire. One day as he was thumbing through the pages of an issue and started to read one of its articles, to his amazement there were some illicit overtures that were inappropriate to him and inappropriate to be in our home.

Judging from the cover and table of contents, one would believe it was a wholesome and respectable publication. But because this magazine was in our home, its contents became a part of its décor. And worse, it would have eventually become a part of our hearts. That did not honor the King. The subscription was canceled.

Please note:

1. We must be deliberately aware of the insidious ways Satan makes a seemingly
innocent entry into our living environments through what we may deem
appropriate and of no adverse consequence.

2. We must design with the purpose of bringing in the appropriate décor, tangible
and intangible, because the King wants to dwell there with us.

3. We must discover by God’s eye what’s suitable to bring into the home
environment is also one way we honor God where we dwell.

4. A home’s décor and morality are not mutually exclusive.

I share this because it is important to observe design from a different perspective. Home design is not limited to the physical realm, or by what is seen. We want our homes to reflect peace and order and this peace comes from what's in our hearts.

a. So then there must be some life designing that will unravel a worldly way of

b. We can only accomplish this by feeding on what's spiritual.

c. By this we are serving God with our lives and where we live.

Serving God this way means to scrutinize everything that comes into the
home. We must be aware that everything that looks good and fits well
may not be sanctioned by God.

I share many insightful tools like these to capture the essence of designing with purpose out of the good treasures of the heart in my premier publication Designing for the King.

Until next time, I'm looking forward to sharing more spiritual wisdom to help you in all aspects of life.

Your Lifestyle Development Expert

For more information visit: www.designingfortheking.com

Author's Bio: 

Deana O. Murphy is a quadruple talent as author, lifestyle coach, speaker and entrepreneur. Deana is founder and CEO of LivingDesigns Unlimited, an internet interior design service provider to clients desiring a hands-on design experience extending the same design process used by the best professionals. Deana also founded the Designing for Success Institute helping people to design a rewarding lifestyle.

Her expertise has been touted on HGTV and Fine Living; in O at Home, Homes of Color, Onyx Woman, Sapphire and House and Home magazines; the Spectacular Homes and Meredith Publishers publications, and The Pocono Record, The Morning Call, The Scranton Times, The Tidewater News, The Daily Press, and The Virginia Pilot newspapers.

Her latest book, Designing for the King, has been stamped "hard to put down" and "five stars on a five star scale". Deana was selected for inclusion of the Registry of Metropolitan's Who's Who among Executive and Professional Women who demonstrated outstanding leadership achievement.