Plaque and bacteria build-up in the mouth is considered to be the primary reasons of cavity. Brushing alone will not suffice to help the teeth to fight off against this harmful elements present in the mouth. The close regime of dental visits always includes dental cleaning. It is advised that everyone should visit dentist like Dr. Ameet Trivedi,DDS at least once every six months for dental consultation and cleaning or oral prophylaxis.

Benefits from prophylaxis:

Plaque and Tartar Removal – Plaque and tartar are types of buildup that needs to be removed during an oral prophylaxis. This is the yellowish layer buildup above and below the gum line that contributes to dental cavity and gum infection. Bacteria found in this build up are not easily removed through brushing and flossing. The dentist tries to empty out the gum pockets of the tooth of plaque and tartar to ensure a bacteria free mouth.

Aesthetically Pleasing Smile –

Yellowish and stained teeth normally hides he beauty of a person’s smile. After the cleaning session, the teeth appear to be more white and sparkly less the layer of plaque. For both children and adults, smiling with sparklingly white teeth is very important. Both age groups draws confidence whenever the can smile in the most natural way they can. To add to the teeth’s noticeable whiteness, most dentists end the prophylaxis treatment with the application of topical fluoride.
Fresher Breath – Halitosis or persistent bad breath is closely related with periodontal disease. Aside from gum problems, when a person has bad breath he or she becomes self-conscious whenever conversing with others or in the presence of a crowd. Once the teeth is cleaned and freed from plaque and tartar, the gum irritation alleviates and foul odor coming from the mouth noticeably ceases to exist.

Dental cleaning does not only save a patient from getting tooth decay, it also helps prevent the acquisition of gum problems. Tartar and plaque buildup serves as breeding ground for bacteria that causes gum infection and other periodontal issues. In order to avoid gingivitis, cleaning of the teeth and the mouth thoroughly is required.

Some people start off with their regular dental visits at an early age while others set appointment with dentists after they gain their set of permanent teeth. Aside from the difference in terms of the consultation part during the dental appointment, will there be a significant difference in dental cleaning as well?

Oral prophylaxis for both adults and children doesn’t seem to have a major difference. Cleaning the transitional dentition (children) and permanent dentition (adults) seem to involve the same process.

For children ages 3 years old and above, practices seem to offer involvement of the child for his or her overall oral health. They see to it that the environment within the practice will accommodate the child. Most practices will offer a tour around the clinic if it is the first visit. Necessary exams and x-rays are also taken by oral hygienists to determine proper oral program that the children will fit into. Scaling, polishing, and fluoride application are just some of the treatments given to the child during the prophylaxis.

For adults, aside from the comprehensive oral exam, a thorough dental prophylaxis is performed. Oral examination for adults includes major TMJ check, facial bones check, and oral cancer screening. Some of this examination depends on the patient’s discretion. The thorough prophylaxis for adults is considered to be a major step that will help fight off periodontal disease.

Keeping the gums healthy is a necessity because indications or symptoms of other major oral disease seldom appear in the gums.

Good oral health always starts in healthy practices within the family. Allowing the children to mirror what the adults in the family do for their oral health will be a helpful step in teaching them proper ways for their oral care.

Dental cleaning and examination during regular visit to the dentist is one major concern for your dental insurance provider. The insurance may or may not cover the dental examinations which will be performed during the visit that is why discussion with your insurance carrier needs to be done prior the appointment. Insurance policies for children and adult may differ in some ways.

Author's Bio: 

Stella Brian practices health by visiting dentists of different cities. In her free time she writes health articles and loves to watch movies.