Backlinks are the links coming from the websites, directory, web pages or top level domain. Backlinks are the back bone of search engine positioning. They are very important as they help your website or webpage to emerge on the top search engine result pages. They are also helpful in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and are also helpful in easy web navigation. The more the backlinks you get the more is your website or webpage gets importance and popularity on the search engine result pages. They are also called as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links.

Building Backlinks turn out very useful for those who are not able to afford spending money on advertising. There are many numerous techniques to build backlinks in the internet market. Some of them are Social bookmarking, Directory submission, Article distribution, Press release distribution, and Blog commenting.

Social Bookmarking

To increase the traffic you get on your website or webpage social bookmarking is one of the best ways. When you post one of your links to a social bookmarking site it creates a backlink for you. As many link you post on as many directories as you can it will create that many backlinks for you. To get more attentions categorize them and you will get traffic that you desire.

Directory Submission

As above social bookmarking helps you getting backlinks the same way the directory submission works. There are plenty of directories available out there on the web. To get backlinks from them you have to do is just get your website registered there. Directory submission works same as social bookmarking.

Article Distribution

Article distribution helps you getting backlinks to your website or webpage very easily and instantly. You have to do is to get a few articles written related to your website and post them to article directories. When your article is submitted to the directory you will get a backlink to your website. A good and quality article can get you many quality backlinks.

Press Release Distribution

Press release distribution works same as the article distribution. Same as article distribution press release distribution also gives you a great number of backlinks to your website increasing traffic to your website. With the help of press release distribution you can share the news about your website, what is going on your website and also you can release the news of launching a new website or business. This will get you backlinks as much you desire and will also gain you traffic to your website.

Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is the one of the best ways to gain backlinks to your website. Here in blog commenting you need to visit blogs related to your website and provide your comment there with a link to your website or a reference to one of your related webpages. Informative comments to blogs get you good approval.

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Author's Bio: 

TimeSeo is Web Design London based Website Design Company and Logo Designer providing SEO Services in United Kingdom.