Yoga is very much about life style. There are those yogis who like fast-moving yoga and there are those who like the traditional slow and deliberate movements, then there are those who are in between. My view is that it is not about what style of yoga you do, but more about what it does for you and what you become over time.

Yoga, for me, is all about my health and learning to help my mind to become quieter. My preference is Hatha yoga in style of Iyengar. I love the precision and building strength.

As a business, to become a yoga instructor is one of the finest opportunities. It is understood that, in any community, only between half and 3 percent of the population ever practice yoga. This ancient art of self-healing is just not on everyone’s radar. So the opportunity is the vast market of the rest of the population that knows, understands, and are also aware that Yoga is something that will give them good health and a quiet mind.

When you begin, through yoga practice, to direct your energy into positive channels within the body, it feels like you are opening doors. A person who follows the traditions of yoga is known as a yogi.

Our yoga teacher training courses aims to provide a framework for our students with which they can open and run their own Yoga classes. We provide yoga teacher courses for people who wish to make Yoga philosophy part of their life and also wish to take up Yoga teaching as a career.

In the main there are two types of yoga. Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga. From these two roots of the yoga tree, several variations have come about and appropriate names have been allocated. Usually you will find that it is the person who devised the style claims the name. Don’t get attached to the names…try out whatever the style and either walk away, if you are not comfortable, or stay and learn the benefits.

I often tell my students in my classes to observe. They must observe how they feel after a class. I encourage you to sit in your car, having done a yoga session, and take a few breaths and listen to the body. If you find that you feel better then what you came in to the class, then the type of yoga suits you. If however you do not feel better, then don’t give up on yoga, change your teacher !

So some of the names and types of Hatha and Raja yoga:

Karma yoga concentrates on giving of yourself to others without desiring any reward.

Jnana yoga is a metaphysical method of opening up to impressions of the world.

Bhakti yoga emphasizes bringing emotional vitality into one’s spiritual practice.

The raja method focuses on meditation. Raja yoga also encompasses the Hatha style of yoga, the physical technique that most people use as a type of exercise.

The Kundalini style of yoga works on the idea that the human body contains eight chakras. Through controlled breathing, you can warm the body from the bottom to the top, in order to raise your latent Kundalini power which should help you attain a level of enlightenment.

Power yoga is also recognized by its Sanskrit name, Vinyasa. A vinyasa is a series of swift movements intended to warm your body all over. Vinyasa yoga is a particularly active type of yoga, in which you move rapidly through your poses or asanas. Due to the speed at which you move, you do not hold these poses as long as you would in other methods. It is almost definitely guaranteed that you will produce a lot of sweat during your sessions; therefore this style is not for the inexperienced or for those who are out of shape. The benefit of this style is that it gives your body and especially your muscles a vigorous workout.

My personal preference is to work with yoga that suits me. I need strong postures but not the speed of movement from one posture to the other. Iyengar style of yoga suits me very well. I also need to have a few moments of meditation and breathing. Finally I also appreciate a few moments of complete relaxation. This allows me to connect with my body and observe.

Author's Bio: 

Sam Rao yoga's Yoga teacher training courses are conducted in UK. It helps you become a yoga instructor. For more information regarding yoga instructor training, please feel free to contact Sam at Sam Rao Yoga.