If you want to discover your life purpose, all you have to do is follow the trail of breadcrumbs. Only in real-life, the breadcrumbs would represent your desires. You know you are on the right track when you feel the tingle, that sensation that motivates you to do and explore more. You are discovering your life’s purpose when you feel that certain spark towards something or someone.

All these feelings stem from your soul trying to evolve. We all come here to earth to serve a purpose and answer our calling. We are guided by the Universe or by Divine power to string together the missing pieces of our soul. This way we will have a sense of connectedness with our past and previous lives. God can see the finished project and He will give us the guidance needed to discover our life’s purpose.

We’ve all had those moments when we are completely frustrated by a problem or situation. Then, just when we are about to give up, someone or something comes into our lives and solves it immediately. We’ve all experienced those aha moments that made us see things from a totally different perspective. We’ve all had those sudden epiphanies after reading a book, watching a movie, or being inspired by an individual.

All these things are happening for a reason. God has a divine plan for you. He is sending down angels, or giving you the missing pieces that you need to complete your soul. Discovering your life’s purpose is all about evolution. We are all going through life looking for the missing pieces that complete our soul.

It all starts with a little something called desire. Desire is power seeking to be manifested. Most importantly, desire is God’s little voice, prattling inside your head, guiding you to the pieces of your soul. The worst thing that you can possibly do is ignore these desires, for it will result in failure in the worst possible way. When you ignore and resist your desires, you’re cutting off your energy flow.

God or Divine power will not be able to send you any more pieces of your soul. You will then be trapped by your own inability to express your desires. This is when you become discouraged or not motivated to perform a certain job or task. This means that you are not on your path. You are on the right track of discovering your life’s purpose when you are able to produce the best possible results with the least possible effort. Just know that no one is inherently lazy. Everyone is extremely productive when they are engage in activities or with people they are truly passionate about.

The worst thing that you could do is to try and make pieces fit. This will result in you putting most of the pieces of your soul together, only to find out that it is completely wrong. This is what is so bad about failure. You have to retrace your steps and figure out what went wrong. People like Thomas Edison failed more than 1000 times while inventing the light bulb. This invention was his life’s purpose. And the reason why he failed so many times was because everything had to fit perfectly. The slightest variation on his part just wouldn’t work. He had to find the exact match.

Discovering our life’s purpose works very much the same way. We have to find the exact match. And we cannot force pieces to fit. When we feel that spark, that burst of excitement or bliss, we are experiencing parts of our puzzle coming together. When we have an idea, thought, or dream, more parts of our puzzle are coming together. We have to understand that all the feelings of happiness, passion, desire, and joy, are breadcrumbs that lead us to discovering our purpose. We will then be able to piece back all the elements of the soul.

Author's Bio: 

I’ve written hundreds of articles on self-development, spirituality, inspiration, and relationships. So if you are looking for more information about Discovering Life Purpose to contact me at www.alternativevibrations.com for additional tips, coaching and guidance.