When we quickly dismiss varying ideas, sales are lost. Planning and client meetings offer opportunities for agreement. The lack of understanding frequently leaves us worse off. Most people miss out on the opportunity to practice negotiation skills.

My Story

There is a need in business and to open the door to alternative ideas so that faster and better progress can develop. Not only do we need to work on cultural diversity and inclusion, but generational gaps, too.

“Impossible exists if you believe it to exist; otherwise, it does not.

I believe that nothing is impossible with:

• Commitment
• Vision
• A flexible plan in place
• Willingness to learn from errors
• A team willing to work together to make it all happen

Upon reviewing my sales career where I was the lone saleswoman, the team and management expected me to fail. Quitting would soon follow my failure. They sure didn’t know who they hired.

Determination and grit got me thought the ugliness. More importantly, I tossed the beloved script. I’m one who welcomes unusual ideas while in conversation with my clientele. We taught one another the better ways to conduct a friendly give and take.

For More Insights Read:

Are You Preparing For the Future?

How Do You Uncover Golden Opportunities?

What Aren’t You Hearing?

Your Story: Do You Dismiss Varying Ideas?

The first question is, do you typically rush to judgment? Do you dismiss different ideas? Should you acknowledge that this is your typical behavior, then you can position yourself to change. Initially, it takes courage to welcome the unexpected. However, over time, we learn to appreciate the differing thought for potential possibilities.

Consider if you do the following:

1. Quickly dismiss new ideas without giving thought
2. Tell yourself it’s not worth taking the time to learn about new possibilities
3. Remain in the middle of the pack to remain safe

“Calculated risks are the stepping stones to success.”

The problem with playing it safe is that it limits the possibility for further growth. Stepping out to take a calculated chance on a new idea brings about advancement. Even if a new approach fails miserably, advances still take place. As you learn what does not work, you are far more likely to recognize what will be the better route.

Better yet, living through an embarrassment makes one stronger. The stronger you become, the more likely you will succeed.

Think back to opportunities that were left behind. Is it in your best interest to be more accepting in the future? On the other hand, some issues require examination from both the positive and negative side.

Problematic Examples:

Entrepreneurs are bombarded all the time with special offers and promises of fame, for costly investments. Will the backend help justify potential advancement?

Job seekers hear promises that do not always play out well. One of the essential decisions is whether the overall experience will further one’s career.

Corporations have to pay attention to their bottom-line, shareholder happiness, and doing right by their clientele. Not all partnerships are equal.

Being open to varying ideas moves business along, while integrity encourages a returning and referring clientele.

Sales Tips: Open To Varying Ideas

1. Maintain an open mindset upon hearing unusual ideas
2. Consider the unique from varying angles
3. Ask questions to learn more
4. Add your ideas to the one you are given to see if it’s workable
5. Allow time for processing the thought and coming to a better conclusion
6. Should you cautiously want to move forward, consult first with trusted peers
7. Examine the peer input and ask more questions to come to a decision
8. Turn the process above into a habit
9. Document the chances you take and why for future opportunities
10. Celebrate Success!

Author's Bio: 

Breaking Barriers
Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. Against all odds she defied the theme, “women can’t sell” to become the top producer at every company she ever worked all the while ignoring attempts to get her to quit.
Faced with an irreparable broken neck, Stutz paid attention to two visions as they appeared before her while on the stretcher. She negotiated with the Great Beyond with the promise to be of service to communities at large in exchange for full recovery. As the CEO of Smooth Sale, Stutz adapted the motto, “Believe, Become, Empower.” Stutz is a motivational/inspirational speaker, author and sales trainer.
• Stutz’ first book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building that Gets Results is an International Best-Seller.
• Her second book, HIRED! has helped many secure their desired jobs.
• The Wish: A 360… mentors readers on how to build influence.
• The Smooth Sale blog is rated as a Top Sales Blog.
• Kred declared Elinor to be A Top 1% Influencer
• RiseBoarders ranks Stutz as a Top Sales Guru
• Tenfold lists “Top 65 women Business Influencers”
• CEO Magazine Declares “One of the brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”