In China, where someone is killed in traffic every five minutes, one entrepreneurial doctor has an unusual approach for making roads safer: Treat bad driving like a disease you can diagnose before the driver even getting near a car. The cost of traffic casualties is so high that accident-prone people should at least be barred from driving commercially, he said.

The modern scientists do not accept astrology but it is a known fact that planets do have their effects on us. The doctors of almost all mental asylums accept the fact that during the full moon and the new Moon periods the mental patients behave erratically. The police record the same effects on many criminals. The modern scientists know some of the effects of the ultraviolet rays, gamma rays and beta rays of the planets. Unfortunately they don’t have the divine wisdom of our ancient is to know all the effects fully. I tell you that only few people drive rashly why? Are they not concerned about the consequences or they do not love their families? There is a vast difference between passion and madness. Believe it or not but all the madness are driven from the movements of your stars and planets. We all love our life as it is considered as the most precious thing in the world. Also many other lives are associated with our life. Astrology is used as a guide to study the destiny of an individual. Indian astrology is based on the theory of fate. The good and the bad actions of the past life determine your fate or Karma of your present life, and the actions of your present life determine your future.

It is a bitter truth these days, more people die of accidents than of any disease. Sometime it happens because of mechanical failure of vehicles, in most cases the fault lies with human beings who drive these vehicles rashly. Every now and then we read about many accidents on highways due to rash and fast driving. Often the driver belongs to a very high profile back ground. Many other innocent people have to pay their lives just because of their madness as the driver lose his control over the brakes and the vehicle may just slip away downwards and capsize, it may hit a tree or wall of a flyover or it may pass over some pedestrians, sleeping or sitting innocent people. The most general cause of rash driving is drinking. A driver who is tipsy loses control over his nerves and judgement and then over his brakes also. Whatever the reason, rash driving should be avoided at all cost. Most Indian roads are not exactly vehicle friendly. Apart from badly paved roads, there is also bad traffic sense–a potential accident which is just waiting to happen. There are a lot of young people driving on the city’s roads and parents too do not really enforce the proper age limit on when to drive. Also, youngsters love the thrill of speed. This rash driving can result in some really bad accident.

Obtaining a driver’s license is one of the most triumphant events in a teenager’s life. Most parents should dread, because teenagers are the most unsafe drivers on the road, a threat to themselves and others. They are much more apt to speed, tailgate, shun seat belts, and show off. So licence should be mandatory to all. There should be a proper training of traffic rules.

Now I come to the most important and valuable part of the article that if the concerned person doesn’t listen to the warning, please consult an astrologer. I am sure that the erroneous and incorrect behaviour of stars and dasha is ultimately responsible for the misfortune and irresponsible behaviour of the relative person. Indian Vedic Astrology gives a lot of information related to the physical, mental, emotional problems in life through birth chart reading. Vedic Astrology not only understands this issue but also has very effective remedial measures to overcome this problem. It can provide effective solution to the causes of rash driving and its allied effects.

Author's Bio: 

Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena “Bhagya Samhita wale” is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer Horoscope reader and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope matching and other astrological solutions.