I ask you to climb mountain A in two hours
You climb mountain B in 90 minutes
You are happy about being efficient, you did it quicker than I had estimated
However, are you effective?
Note, you climbed the wrong mountain.

Can you relate this to your workplace?

How many meetings would be productive, how many conflicts could be avoided,
how many targets would be met, goals achieved, clients retained, team members motivated,how many more products would be sold, hours saved, stress avoided, all if only employees were to be more effective.

Yes, effective, not just efficient

If you are like most people, you operate without an organized task list
If you do have a task list, its not prioritized
If indeed its prioritized, you don’t necessary follow it

Are you nodding your head in agreement?

I am a life coach and trust me, I hear this from my clients almost everyday

You are not alone, millions of people the world over, are slaves to distraction
Trivia rules their lives, their attention is scattered and focus is ever shifting
They are running at breakneck speed without paying attention to the direction
They mistake activities for achievements, long hours for performance
They are in a rush to finish without pausing to question if it should be done at all
They worry about the how without understanding the why.

You don’t have to be one of them

Your bridge to greatness, the key that unlocks your true potential
An invisible hand that moves the spotlight over your head
A force that catapults you higher, much much higher

Differentiates you from the average. Gets you recognized, rewarded.
Makes you highly valuable at the workplace. Earns you your place at the table.
Adds pride to your work, makes you a peak performer, a true asset.

Some understand it, few practice it
Effectiveness is clarity, effectiveness is purpose
Effectiveness leads to growth, results, profits.
Effectiveness is simple, easy and meaningful
However effectiveness is rare and its where most stumble

Get started today, become aware, take action
Master effectiveness, make it your greatest strength
Sustained success then is surely yours.

‘Efficiency is doing the thing right and effectiveness, doing the right thing‘
~ Peter Drucker

Reflect on this
Where can you be more effective?
What benefits would you enjoy by being more effective?
Who can help you?
What one action can you take today and everyday to be more effective?

Author's Bio: 

Sridhar Laxman is a Professional Certified Coach with ICF and a graduate from International Coach Academy. He is also a student of Jack Canfield's 'The Success Principles' Coaching Program.

Prior to starting his own coaching practice, Sridhar spent 20 successful years in the corporate world working for companies like Schneider Electric, HP, APC, Ogilvy, Lintas and The Times of India etc.

His endeavor is to support individuals, business owners and corporate teams in becoming highly effective, productive and successful.

Sridhar currently offers life, executive, career and business coaching services.