There are several reasons you need to utilize an email newsletter as part of your marketing plan. Let’s discuss one of those reasons today.

The buying decision when it comes to purchasing online is different than when you purchase from a traditional brick and mortar practice.

It's very rare for a website visitor to make a buying decision the first time they visit a website. In fact, more than 99% of your website visitors will likely never come back to your website! Online a lot of browsing takes place and people click to AND away from your site in seconds.

Yes, they may bookmark your site, but how often do you return to websites you bookmark? Not that frequently, right?

When they land on your website you need to make sure the answer to their problem is front and certain. It’s best if they have to give you their name and email in order to gain access to the answer.

Email Newsletter Sign Up Box

This is where a sign up box to receive your email newsletter is vital! You want to offer website visitors something (i.e. the answer to their problem which you can solve) in exchange for their name and email. If during this “transaction” you make it clear they will receive a subscription to your email newsletter. This will allow you to send them an email newsletter and market to them over and over again. Through your email newsletter you'll lead them back to your website time after time until they are ready to make a buying decision.

Of course, all this promotion of your services is combined with great content. It’s unlikely for someone to remain a subscriber if all you do is promote, you need to provide good content that showcases your expertise. Through your email newsletter provide tips, advice, and suggestions that confirm you are the expert to turn to when they are ready to grab their credit card and pay for the help they need.

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