There are a multitude of celebrities who practice and promote Yoga. Some to achieve a higher level of inner peace and some to raise their fitness levels, this is a very brief look at some of them.

1 Madonna
Madonna is, unbelievably, over 50. Part of her exercise routine is Ashtanga Yoga. A slightly faster style of yoga that moves between a series of yoga postures whilst maintaining synchronized breathing. The practice raises heartbeat speed and internal temperatures, to clean blood and internal organs, detoxifying muscles and organs, whilst building stamina and strength. Modaonna is known for her advocacy of healthy living and exercise, and now owns a string of gyms.

4 Meg Ryan
Actress Meg Ryan was one of the first celebrities to highlight their use of Yoga. She and Dennis Quaid her husband have gone on record stating they practice Yoga daily. Meg felt her life had moved beyond her control when her acting career took off, and uses Yoga to focus on what was important to her, and her life. She finds Yoga as a means to meditate on what’s important to her, and has been a strong advocate of practicing Yoga for a long time now.

2 Jenny McCarthy
Jenny, known for her campaign and books on autism issues, and partner to Jim Carry is a sworn Yoga practitioner. Jenney appeared in a Bikini on the cover of Shape Magazine. When she was asked her secret she replied “that’s Bikram yoga and also healthy food”. Her routine involves a 90 minute session of Bikram yoga daily.

3 Ricky Martin
Another Yoga practicing star is Ricky Martin. The latino singer practices Hatha Yoga daily. Hatha is a calmer type of Yoga than the Ashtanga Yoga used by Madonna. He’s quoted as saying he uses it for meditational purposes, to relax and restore inner piece. Hatha Yoga, the yoga of postures, is an practice aimed at achieving self-mastery through the connection between physical and mental awareness.

5 Ryan Giggs
Ryan Giggs, the Manchester United winger, at over 35 is seen as a veteran of the football pitch. When questioned about the length of his career, and how he’s maintained his fitness levels, he stated “I hardly drink any alcohol these days. I have taken up yoga, which is great.” He’s even created a Yoga based fitness DVD called Giggs Fitness: Power & Strength Through Yoga.

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This article was written by Sardinia Yoga, who provide beach yoga holidays