No way. Could that be true? Book reviews being tainted and slanted for a fee?

Confession time: Regarding reviews, as an author, a slightly negative comment about my work erases joy quicker than a click on the mouse.

Faced any rejection lately? A bit of criticism clouded your day? Here’s a thought: If our keyboard is on the solid ground of God’s grace, we can ask five questions to overcome criticism.

1. Did we seek God’s wisdom?
2. Are our motives pure?
3. Do our efforts reflect God’s truth?
4. Did we craft our very best?
5. Are our convictions uncompromised?

If the answers are yes, then our soul whispers a sweet, “all is well.” Renewed peace fills our nights knowing others’ reviews or criticism shouldn’t really matter.

When ready to overcome criticism, what will matter is discerning whether our fingers danced on the keyboard to string insights that make the Lord smile with pleasure.

Seeking to please Him covers our writing, changes the focus, and highlights the truth He wrote in our hearts: “He comes to judge the earth He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his truth” (Psalm 96:13).

Father, how foolish of me to be torn down by what others think, what others say, or by those who criticize my work. The truth of your promise that tells me you see my heart, you know my ways and you alone judge my motives brings me fresh freedom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

• What promise do you hold on to when criticized?
• Where does your reassurance come from?
• Who holds your tomorrows, your future plans and outcome?


Author's Bio: 

My triumph began when I stopped trying to solve my problems on my own. I let go my stubborn pride, wiped the tears from my eyes, and nodded as I said ‘yes’ to God’s invitation to seek Him first. I invited Jesus to be the center of my life, the source of all and the light for my path. Then wisdom filled my heart. What a silly chica I had been–I was seeking first to see again, to have a ‘normal’ life. But God had a different order of priorities. And when I obeyed, to my delight, He put everything in place as He promised in Mathew 6:33.