Freedom is not the simple state of not being in chains on a slave ship or a plantation. Freedom is both mental and physical, and the barriers to freedom are often not so easily seen by the naked eye. Freedom is definitely essential to happiness, and likewise a lack of freedom often leads to misery, boredom, sadness and unproductive behavior. Today we digress from discussions of black history and instead start a discussion on the basics of freedom. Have a positive day and be inspired!

Freedom to Work

Most adults work. Most children work as well (in school, on projects etc.). Work is an inherently human thing but too many of us work just to pay bills. Without bills forcing us to pick a certain job or work a certain amount of hours we could truly be free to work to be productive. Everyone knows that people who enjoy their jobs work harder, longer hours and in many cases admit they would do it for free (think pro athletes, or teachers). Working without the burden of bills and debt is true freedom so if you want to be free, get rid of the bills and work at something that you truly love. How do I get rid of the bills you ask? Well that’s what the Survival Guide is all about.

Freedom to Love

Many say that love is vital to happiness. This may be true, but if you are not free to love then you will never know this happiness. What stops one from being free to love? Fear is a major deterrent. Fear of rejection, fear of failure and fear of an unsuccessful relationship are all self-imposed barriers. Setting expectations or predicting outcomes based on past relationships are also self-imposed blockers. Removal of fear, expectation and baggage brings the opportunity for both success and failure in love. Every individual is in control of this so ultimately your freedom to love is entirely up to you.

Freedom to Prosper

It is inherent in our human nature to do better. Humans are not a lazy species, and no matter what stereotypes exist out there, there is no race or culture of human being that is lazy and does not want to better themselves. It is the set of barriers created by individuals and society (jail, lack of opportunity, rejection, imprisonment, etc) that stop people from prospering or reaching their full potential. The barriers will always exist; it is up to you to avoid or overcome those barriers.

· Just because your school sucks does not mean that you can’t still learn

· Just because there is a lot of crime in your neighborhood does not mean you have to be a criminal

· Just because you don’t have a good job now does not mean you cannot find another, better job later

I can go on writing examples until my fingers bleed, but you should get the point. You can prosper and you can change any situation if you just take the steps to do it. Avoid ANY situation that could limit your freedom permanently (ex: jail without the possibility of parole) and you can ultimately find your route to prosper.

Freedom to Be

Freedom to Be is the most important of all. So much peer pressure exists to “tell” you what music you should like, what foods you should eat, what to wear, and what is “cool”. Giving in to this pressure robs you of your freedom. You may not realize it but peer pressure, which is driven by media pressure, robs you of your freedom every single day. Just think if you could wear what you wanted, eat what you wanted, worked out how you wanted, and lived how you wanted how free you could be! Guess, what, you can do all those things! Like NIKE says, “Just do it”. Be how you want to be, but just be happy.

Author's Bio: 

Team Afro writes for, a self-help website for black men. To read more articles about inspirational people and ideas please visit the website.