Jewelry is a top gift choice for any woman in your life. Women love diamonds, gold and just about anything that shimmers and can be worn that draws attention to them. Gemstone jewelry is the perfect way to accomplish this without breaking the budget. The other thing that is nice about gemstone jewelry included in earrings, pennants and rings is that each piece is unique in its own way.
Stones and gems that are established in hard rocks are whittled by human hands to make attractive pieces known as gemstones. There 12 gemstones that are thought of when most people think of gems. Gemstones are thought to symbolize different personality traits based upon the month of a person’s birth. At first gemstones were worn to please the planets and which type of gem was worn was said to effect the day to day life on the individual wearing the stone. Today gems are considered much more than just random stones but are worn for their beauty.
The twelve main gemstones and are each related to a month of the year. Often these gemstones are referred to as birthstones. Below is a list of the months and the stone that is associated with each month. A good way to by sentimental pieces for a mother is to buy gemstones that relate to the months their children were born.
January - Dark Red Garnet: This stone represent someone who shows a great deal of leader ship and who is very strong and intense. You are said to have a great love of life and have a very distinct persona about you.
February – Purple Amethyst: This stone represents a personality which exemplifies gentleness. You are at peace and offer the same to others. You are said to be a very faithful person with a pure and modest way of living life.
March – Pale Blue Aquamarine: This stone represent someone who is upbeat and full of life. When others are around you they feed off of your humor and the way you are able to make light of adversity. You are generous and have a sense of desire and respect for others.
April – Clear Diamonds: This stone is said to represent an individual who is responsible, ethical and very trustworthy in all aspects of the life they choose to lead. You are helpful, steady and a deep thinking problem solver. You do have a playful side as well.
May – Bright Green Emerald: This stone is said to represent someone who is flexible. You tend to be unique and seek a path all your own. You are easy to adapt to changes that come at you. You have a completeness in your life and joy about you.
June – Creamy Pearl Moonstones: This stone represents someone with generosity. You are a peaceful person and seek the gentle things in life. Your ability to touch people’s lives changes who they are for the better.
July – Ruby Red: This stone tends to represent people who tend to be introverts. You are deep thinkers with an intense perspective on life. You tend to be lucky in life.
August – Green Peridot: This stone represents individuals you are strong willed, stubborn and determined. You find success because you don’t take no for an answer and you are only ruled by the limits you set for yourself.
September – Deep Blue Sapphire: This stone is representative of individuals you are wise and tolerant of others. You tend to be humanitarian in nature and are sympathetic to the needs of others. You tend to have great devotion to others.
October – Opals: This stone represents and individual whose life is run on principles. You tend to be strong and an able leader. You often overshadow the people around you and are able to defend those who cannot defend themselves.
November – Yellow Topaz: This stone represents a person that is truly selfless. You are wise and compassionate. A great friend to others and offer inspiration.
December – Blue Topaz: This stone represent individuals who are living life and finding the fun in everything. Often the person is outgoing, lively and able to laugh at all types of adversities. You tend to celebrate success, wealth and life.
Whatever gemstone you choose it will be a stellar addition to compliment an outfit and the life you are leading. Gemstone rings, bracelets, pendants and bracelets are a great gift for the special women in your life. Consider something that stands out to you as representing the individual that will receive the gift. Gemstone jewelry is a guaranteed winner.

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DaRoche Jewelers is an online company with a local flair. Get information on diamond engagement rings at today where you will find useful information on wedding jewelry including custom engagement rings, loose diamonds engagement rings and gemstone jewelry.