It seems that everywhere you look there are signs that the holidays will soon be upon us. And while we enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of this special time, we know that seemingly all too soon, another year is coming to an end. Here are some ideas to help you end the year in an organized way, and get the New Year off to a great start.

Organize your decorations. Consider letting go of holiday decorations you didn’t use this year. You might want to donate them to a senior home or to someone in a new home who doesn’t yet have their own decorations (e.g., a recent college graduate). Sort and put away your remaining decorations according to which room you’ll use them in. Next year you’ll be able to easily decorate room by room.

Return and exchange gifts promptly. Don’t let unwanted items create clutter in your home. Put a date on your calendar to get to the stores and return or exchange gifts that you otherwise won’t use.
Organize your gift cards. Put them in an envelope, in your wallet, in your car, or somewhere else you’ll easily find and remember them. You might want to make a list of which gift cards you have and keep it somewhere you’ll see it (e.g., on your refrigerator) to serve as a reminder to use them.
Make notes for next year. Write down what you liked and didn’t like about this year’s holiday celebrations. Store that list with your holiday decorations, in your planner, or some other spot so that you’ll find it next year. Take advantage of the wisdom you gained about this year’s celebrations to make next year’s holidays even more enjoyable.
Set some goals. I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions, in part because I don't like the idea of waiting until the beginning of the year to engage in new behaviors that will make me or my life better. But I do enjoy reflecting on the past year and identifying things I want to continue doing. For example, I intend to continue saying "yes" to invitations to get together with friends and family members no matter how crazy busy my life may be at the time.

Organize your paperwork. Don't let tax season arrive before you're ready - take time now to organize your paperwork, receipts and financial records. While you may miss the adrenaline rush you're used to as tax time draws near, you'll enjoy having your tax information ready sooner than the last minute.

Get your planner set up. Whether you use an electronic or paper-based planning system, don't wait until the new year actually begins to get it set up. Have it purchased (if you use a paper planner) and ready to go so you can start filling in appointments and planning your days right from the start. Record birthdays and anniversaries (imagine getting those cards sent on time!), appointments you've already scheduled, and any recurring activities (e.g., yoga class on Tuesdays, club meeting the first Monday of the month, etc.). Having your planner ready for action will get your year off to a great start.

No matter which holiday you celebrate this time of year, I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful December and happy upcoming holidays!

Author's Bio: 

Internationally known professional organizer, author, and speaker Sue Becker is the founder and owner of From Piles to Smiles®. She enjoys helping people from around the world live better lives by creating customized systems to overcome their overwhelming paperwork, clutter, and schedules. She specializes in helping people who are chronically disorganized - those for whom disorganization has been a lifelong struggle that negatively impacts every aspect of their life, especially people with AD/HD. Her hands-on help, as well as her presentations, have helped thousands of individuals create substantial change in their lives.

Sue is Illinois’ first Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization. She co-authored the book Conversations on Success, and has appeared as an organizational expert on NBC News and the national TV show, Starting Over. A CPA, Sue has an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management.