Recently I was listening to a program by Anthony Robbins where he said something that really struck me "If you ask yourself a better question, you will come up with a better answer and therefore a better result."

The process of thinking is nothing more than asking and answering questions. We ask ourselves questions all the time, however usually we are not even aware that we are asking questions. We have a habitual way of talking to ourselves which is for the most part out of our conscious awareness. I encourage you to start to simply notice what questions you ask and what you are saying to yourself.

We all talk to ourselves, whether we realize it or not. The thoughts that run through our heads on a daily basis are creating the results we are getting in life. For instance if you ask yourself the question "Why can't I ever lose weight?" you will find answers to that question. You will unknowingly create situations that prevent you from losing weight.

A better question to ask is "How can I lose weight and enjoy the process?" Can you see the difference between these two questions? One empowers you to look for ways to lose weight and even enjoy the process. The other question keeps you stuck where you are.

One of the ways coaches help their clients get results is asking powerful questions that allow clients to discover the answers that lie within them. It is sometimes difficult for people to know what questions will support them in reaching their goals.

Most people are in the habit of not tuning in to what questions and thoughts are running through their mind. I challenge you to start today to notice these questions and thoughts so that you can take control of your mind. At first glance, this may sound really simple. How hard can it be to simply notice what you are thinking throughout the day?

It may be harder than it seems at first, but no worries, it will get easier with practice. You can start by simply tuning in to your thoughts every hour or so. Check in, what are you thinking right now? Is it supporting you? If not, what questions can you ask yourself that would allow you to focus on what you want?

Another way to tune into what you are thinking about is notice how you are feeling. If you are feeling happy, energized, motivated etc. chances are high you are thinking and focusing on what you want. If you are feeling depressed, agitated, angry, sad, lonely etc. chances are good that you are focusing on what you don't want. For many people, noticing your emotional state will allow you to quickly realize where your focus is and start to change your thoughts that don't support you.

Like any new habit, with practice you can start to tune in to your thoughts and learn to focus on what you want. As you ask yourself better questions you will be amazed at how much better you feel.

Author's Bio: 

Debbie Schroeder is a health and weight loss coach and co-founder of Health Coach Team. Health Coach Team offers individual and group coaching on health and weight loss, teleseminars, articles and resources to support women in losing weight and gaining health and energy. Debbie has co-authored "The YES Diet: A New System for Permanent Weight Loss," a no-hype approach to permanently reaching your weight-loss goals.
Join Debbie on September 9, 2009 for a free teleseminar entitled "4 Weight Loss Mistakes Women Make and How to Avoid Them." Register at