Today, social media is a part of nearly every facet of our lives. Did it really happen if you didn’t post it? Unfortunately, this activity has lead to some very unsuccessful outcomes for many divorcing spouses. Sounding off to the world about your spouse and your marriage during a separation or divorce can have costly consequences. We frequently see examples of this at Mejias, Milgrim & Alvarado when handling the legalities of a divorce. Read on for some tips on what to avoid.

Attacking Your Estranged Spouse

If the split wasn’t amicable, you’re likely harboring some feelings of anger, even rage. Don’t give in to your impulse to rant about it on Facebook or Twitter. This is damaging to everyone involved, especially if you have children. It can also be used against you in child custody negotiations. The court wants to see and believe that you can work together and not disparage one another to the kids. Those angry posts may convince the judge otherwise.

Sharing Too Much

Many divorcing spouses enter a phase of “one-upmanship” where they try to prove to each other that each one is doing better, living well,orjust coming out ahead overall. You post things online bragging about your life, knowing that the information will get back to your spouse. In addition to this being an emotionally unhealthy activity, it can have other repercussions. Bragging about purchases, raises, and expenses may impact your property division talks. And going on about a new man or woman in your life can backfire quickly.

Making Threats

Because anger is a common consequence of the divorce process, you may lash out at your soon-to-be-ex in the heat of the moment. Try not to, but especially refrain from doing it in writing, on social media. Even vague statements, such as “I will make him pay,” may be seen as threatening and will likely be viewed by the courts unfavorably. Comments that are perceived as somewhat threatening may be used against you in child custody decisions, spousal support discussions, and other important areas. Aggressively threatening language can lead to criminal charges. Just don’t do it.

The divorce process is usually an emotional time. You’re angry, hurt, confused and overwhelmed. It’s natural to want to reach out for support and validation. But, it’s safer and healthier to do that in a private setting, offline, with trusted friends and family.But turn to an experienced professional for legal guidance. Please contact David Mejias to learn how we can help.

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The Long Island Law firm of Mejias Milgrim & Alvarado stands ready to meet all of your family law needs. David Mejias welcomes the opportunity to speak with you about the firm's unique approach.