Exodus 3:11-12 But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?” God answered, “I will be with you.”

How many times do we protest to God or ignore Him because we don’t believe we are good enough. We think we don’t have what it takes or it is not the right time or we can do it later when we feel better about ourselves. We shouldn’t think that everything has to be just right before we take action.

God made a request to Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. Moses didn't believe he was good enough. But God told him that He would be with him. If God gives us something to do, then it is the right time. We do have what it takes and we need to take action as soon as He asks us to do it. We should stop making excuses and ignoring what God is asking us to do.

When the people didn’t listen, Moses returned to God time and time again for help. Moses knew that he couldn’t do anything without God. He knew he had to go to God for all the answers as God was his only true and faithful resource. When others don’t listen to us and want to go their own way, we need to go to God for our next steps as well. What we don’t need to do is to give up because we don’t believe we are good enough and that is why they won’t listen.

Moses stayed faithful and allowed God to work through him even though it took years of hard work. When the other people were out doing what they wanted to do and complaining about things, Moses stayed faithful. Because of his faith great things happened to him and to the people. Without Moses’ faith, the people would have remained in Egypt. Without Moses’ faith the miracles of God would not have been seen during that time and history would have been different.

Our faith can be as strong, or stronger, than Moses’ faith. We know so much more now than he did. We have so many stories to use as references. We have our own lives to share stories from and we have God’s son, Jesus, to imitate so that we can live as he did. We are good enough to have faith in God and allow Him to work through us. God created us in His image and He gave us what we need so that we can do what He asks us to do.

Moses remained faithful but he didn't even get to see the end results but his actions of faith in God made a difference in history. He didn’t get to cross over and reap the rewards along with the Israelites; however, his rewards were stored in heaven. We may never see what end result God has planned for the actions He asks us to do; however, when we have faith and believe we are good enough, we are able to let go of our doubts and know we can do God’s work.

When we think we are not good enough, that no one is listening or that our actions aren't making a difference, we need to remember we are Gods people and we are good enough. We don't have to see the results. We just have to take action. When we think no one is listening, we still need to step out in faith and obey God. We should know that when we do God’s will, we are making a difference whether we see the results or not.

Author's Bio: 

Frances Lucas has lived in Birmingham, Alabama for over 40 years. She is a working mother with three children and has progressively improved her life through mistakes, persistence and a sense of humor. Her passion in life surfaced after a major setback in life which proves good things can come from bad experiences. Frances coaches in career and personal improvement, facilitates self-improvement classes and writes articles.

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