They say what you don't know won't kill you. But in our case today, Vancouver Dodge Dealers often remind, our ignorance will surely kill us in the long run, especially when it comes to environmental concerns.

One million electric vehicles by 2015 - This is what President Barrack Obama projected during his recent State of the Union Address. Before the declaration, various car companies have already initiated making green cars – automobiles which do not necessarily run on heavy carbon emitting gasoline fuel. Nissan has Leaf. Chevrolet has Volt. Chrysler, on the other hand, already has plans to produce Dodge ZEO (Zero Emission Operations). Clearly, the green car revolution does not only affect America - it encompasses the whole world, including Canada.

The change may be difficult for the public who generally use gasoline fuelled automobiles. A Langley Dodge supplier once mentioned that purchasing a brand new automobile is not as easy as getting a sweet from a local shop. If you are a driver owning a recently bought car, you could have expended a big amount of money in order to get a good one. Selling a pre-owned car, on the other hand requires a good amount of effort. It is possible for you to decide on keeping your vehicle without being dubbed as carbon monoxide puffing beast on the street. You can personally choose to lean on to the greener side of driving by heeding these three simple steps:

1. Do not drive as if you are on a race. Who is chasing you anyway? Accelerating on the road at a high speed causes more carbon emissions. When you are on the road, just remember this equation: 1 second of power driving carbon emission = 30 minutes worth of normal driving carbon emission. Prevent your own pipes from choking us all slowly to death. Just follow speed limits.

2. Find a car which has high fuel efficiency. If you cannot own a hybrid vehicle, you can at least select one that has low carbon monoxide exhaust. In case you are getting one from car companies, you can ask for further information regarding car models with gas saving features. Most Vancouver Dodge dealers have customer service sections where you can effectively discuss different car models which fit your budget.

3. Minimize getting on wheels and maximize going on foot. If you can walk all the way to your destination, avoid using your car. If your office is just around the corner try putting on you sneakers instead of starting the engine. As a result, doing this small exercise habitually will be advantageous not only to the surroundings, but also to yourself.

As a legal maxim states, ignorance of the law excuses no one. Ignorance of the things that might kill the environment and the ways how we can compensate for the damage we have caused does not excuse you either. Get your eco-friendly gas-saving car right now from your neares Vancouver dodge dealers and start driving green.

Author's Bio: 

Langley Chrysler is one of British Columbia's largest Chrysler Dodge Jeep dealerships. We are located in the heart of the Lower Mainland on the edge of the Surrey and Langley border. Langley Chrysler is considered a World Class facility in the middle of the auto mile on the Langley Bypass. With a great leadership team that is dedicated to service excellence, and committed to providing exceptional customer experience, Langley Chrysler has become a recognized leader in their industry.