Fad or not, paleo eating is now a trend among many Americans.

It is an exercise in eating like our ancestors or, to be precise, like hunter-gatherers of the Stone Age.
One of the keystones of the diet is bone broth.
Bone broth, better known as stock, is a sunny, concentrated meaty elixir made popular by chefs and home cooks.

This food is now a trend, ranking high among people in their eternal quest for perfect health.
It promises to deliver several benefits.
Bone broth for hair loss is one such crusade gaining ground.

What exactly is bone broth?

It is a rich gelatinous preparation made by boiling together meat, fish, and vegetables.

People use the terms broth and stock interchangeably.
But strictly speaking, although both broth and stock include copious amounts of bones and meat, the latter has a higher proportion of bones to meat.

For centuries, bone broth was consumed as a comfort food and also for its healing properties.

Bone broth is highly recommended for hair growth, arthritis, gut health, and skin.
When you consume bone broth, you acquire benefits of clean protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients, and importantly collagen.

Bone broth for hair loss could be a good answer.
It strengthens your hair and prevents hair loss with collagen and other nutrients.

Reliable studies enumerating medical benefits may be few, but several analyses show that it provides benefits for inflammatory diseases and digestive problems.
Hair care can always be made part of a holistic approach to health.

Proper nutrition, stress control, exercising, and indulging in hobbies you like can go a long way in inducing a feel-good factor.

If you are so particular about your hair, minoxidil may help.

What does minoxidil do to healthy hair?

As a topical medication, brands containing minoxidil can replace thinning hair on the scalp.

The objective of the treatment is to stimulate dormant hair follicles, trigger hair’s natural growth for a fuller head of hair.

Some well-known brands containing minoxidil are backed by decades of research.

Moreover, they have FDA approval for hair growth.

Yet, like all medications and treatments, it has its share of possible side effects. These are:

• Allergies and headaches
• Shedding can occur before positive effects kick in
• You may need to use it indefinitely, because if you discontinue, hair growth may stop.

The best bet for overall good health is not to rely too much on supplements.

Most of them have no clearly demonstrated benefits.
Consume natural foods like bone broth. The chances are you will benefit more.

Here is a sobering revelation.

It is possible that the corona virus pandemic is making your hair fall out.

In recent months, many women have been noticing their brushes and shower drains getting filled with hair.
It could be the result of intense stress and post viral inflammation from Covid-19.

As one dermatologist put it, “Any type of stress can trigger hair loss. It can be illness or emotional stress caused by the death of a loved one”.

“Even though not all are affected by corona virus, we are living with it”.

It is also important to be gentle and strategic with your hair.

Dry your hair with a soft microfiber towel and avoid tight styling that can pull out more hair.
A good bet is not to be overtly obsessive about hair loss.

Stressing continuously can only cause more hair loss.

A pilot study has revealed that students experiencing stress during their exams have experienced decreased hair growth during periods of intense anxiety.
We may not have had a final verdict on this yet, but it may certainly help if efforts are made to reduce stress.

Author's Bio: 

Hairlossy.com is a website that provides women with inclusive information on hair loss. The website contains up-to-date product information, impartial hair education, and useful tips to enhance hair health. It also has a forum in which women can discuss their needs and experiences.